Making wishes.. and Splashes

Today marks the first day of week five. It seems like yesterday when I was on a plane ride, surrounded by girls I did not know, and heading to a place I had never been. This morning I can look around at all these girls, and it does not make sense to think that a few weeks ago we had never known one another. It is bittersweet to see the time fly by, as the more it goes the more memories we have made, but the closer our departure comes.

I had so many dreams and expectation when embarking on this semester. I think that we all imagine things as we prepare for traveling and sightseeing. A lot of girls have had the ideas of memories and pictures floating around in their heads since they signed up for the Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy program.. This goes for me when thinking of our fieldtrip to Rome for our “Grand Tour.”

I for one love the Lizzie McGuire Movie. It is the ideal picture of what every girl’s study abroad experience could only hope to live up to. Particularly in this movie, Lizzie, the main star, makes her debut wish at the beloved Trevi Fountain, she falls head over heels for a celebrity Italian, and in the end becomes a pop sensation. As you can imagine my hopes were set extremely high for my wish at the Trevi Fountain.

My day had finally come, with a coin in hand, I arrived at the Trevi Fountain with my sweet friend Gabrielle arrived at the Trevi Fountain with the group ready for our picture. It was crowded but we waltzed our way up to the front and were ready to throw our coins in to cast our wishes. As I went to throw my coin in, little to my surprise, did I know I mistakenly had allowed my phone to be tossed into the fountain instead! Well, as my phone is my lifeline I did what any one would have done, and I proceeded to also throw one more thing into the fountain- my entire body.

As I was diving into the fountain it occured to me that what I was doing was an absolute mistake, especially after I could not even manage to find my phone, I knew I had really messed up. My friends helped me out of the fountain, and I had to endure the pain of watching my phone lie in the middle of the fountain while I stood soaking wet in the cold.

On the bright side I had to go buy a new outfit, and I got my new favorite pair of sweatpants, which keep me warm in the palace.

Trevi Fountain, I will soon be back to reclaim my wish, and I will have my Lizzie McGuire movie moment once and for all.

Me after my dive into the Trevi Fountain

Dreams Really Do Come True!!

I signed up for the Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy program when I was at Camp War Eagle before my freshman year. I studied abroad in high school for part of the summer, and since that day knew I had to study abroad for a whole semester! So, after four years of saving, two(ish) years of getting excited about studying abroad, and weeks of preparing the time has come. I said Arrivederci “goodbye” to America and Ciao “hello” to Italy.

Our first evening in the Chigi Palace we read letters from the students who attended the JSB program in the fall. The letters were filled with encouragement, advice, and fun places to visit. Seeing how much this semester has meant to those before us makes it easy to see it is true when people say this is an experience-of-a-lifetime.

On Friday, we went to Rome on our first field trip out of the Ariccia area. We visited the Roman Forum, the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps, and so much more throughout Rome. It was such an experience to learn about the history of Rome. As part of a school assignment, each student was assigned something to either research and be an expert on,or to remind the class of something we have previously discussed. It was so fun to hear what my classmates found interesting at the sites we visited.

As my first week comes to end, I cannot help but feel blessed. Blessed to get to study abroad, blessed to make new friends, and blessed to get to see so much in Italy and all of Europe during my time here.

——Elizabeth Bundrick

Bury Me in Positano

This past weekend we visited Positano, which essentially is a small town carved into the side of a cliff off of the Amalfi Coast. Of all the places I have been, Positano is the most captivating and breathtaking. The moment when I first saw the views from the winding streets above the water struck me as nothing else has before. I was instantly in love with Positano and everything it had to offer.
As a group, we were fortunate enough to stay together in a beachfront villa that was quaintly positioned between two restaurants. We had our own private beach with views of the cliffside. The greatest part about Positano was waking up with everyone enthusiastically throwing on swimsuits and sunscreen and heading out to relax for the entire day. We started each day with a cappuccino and a croissant and ended it with a nice glass of wine.

Reilly and me on the beach

On Saturday we took two private boats on tours of the coast and oh my goodness; it will change your life. From jumping out of the boat into the crisp, salty water, to snorkeling in caves, and eating gelato in Amalfi, it was the time of my life. The weekend in Positano was a time to bond and get to know everyone else better, and it has enriched this next week already.
The Positano field trip was not included in the program cost, but if offered the opportunity to go, take it because it is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The trip was set up for me, which made planning very easy, but we made sure to book the boat trip well in advance of going.
The photo I have chosen is of Reilly and me standing on the beach with Positano in the background. To me, this represents the essence of Positano because the photo is almost unreal and Positano feels just like a dream. I tried to take advantage of every moment I had in Positano because I never wanted to leave. It is the most amazing place in the world.
Julia Roddam

Wandering in Rome

This is a picture of my first time in Rome on the Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy Program. I learned a lot on this field trip . I indulged in many delicious foods, which was fair since life if about balance and I walked 12 miles that day.
Rome’s vast size requires to have somewhat of a plan before coming it is imporant  in order to avoid blood stained socks from blisters. However, I chose to wander aimlessly in Rome with my friends and the blisters and dirty socks were worth it. Every street is a new and exciting surprise, lined with shops on uneven cobblestoned with hurried locals shopping and yelling greetings through open doorways. It is truly a beautiful energetic city.
I chose this picture of myself on a random moped because it is a great representation of this program and why I came. I came to Italy to experience many random places and travel in new, fun ways. Also, the stickers on the moped had locations all over it and I hope to visit many places. So far, I have been to Budapest, Hungary and Positano, Italy, and both were amazing.
Another significant symbol is the Gelato cone. It has truly become a part of my everyday life, and I know already I will miss it dearly when I go back to Georgia in November. So, for now while I am abroad, on my many future trips to Rome, I will continue to be on the on the hunt to discover all the pizza and gelato I can handle.
-Anna Caitlyn Camp

The Chigi Classroom

It is crazy to think that we’ve been living at the palace for a full week! The time spent here so far has been so surreal. This week has been full of field trips, late nights planning trips, early morning cappuccino runs and now, classes. Last week was an orientation to what this semester is going to look like.
This week we started with our first class of Survival Italian Lessons taught by Sandra. We will be meeting with her twice a week for the next four weeks. Due to the limited time, Sandra will be teaching us Italian skills that will help with basic Italian living. These basic skills include:

  • Meeting and greeting people
  • Requests at cafes, restaurants, stores of all kind
  • Travelling and asking directions
  • Shopping any paying for items
  • Eating at restaurants
  • Visiting Italian homes
  • The related vocabulary to these topics.

We have only had two classes and have already learned how to greet people and ask directions. These phrases will be super helpful for the coming weeks.
In addition, we have started cooking classes with Mary Lou, the sweetest lady. Throughout the semester she will come give lessons on Italian food – pasta, vegetable, and meat dishes and dessert! The group is separated into two groups and will rotate taking turns each time Mary Lou visits.

Mary Lou prepping the sauce for our lunch!

Speaking on behalf of the Chigi Babies, I think it is safe to say that we have learned so much about the Italian lifestyle and culture within one week. This past week has been an experience of a lifetime so far, and I cannot wait for the next 11 weeks here.
Ciao, Belli (Bye, Beauties)!
Annie Finan

Settling In

Buonasera (good afternoon) from Ariccia!
Boy do I love this little town so far. After spending a few blurry days catching up on sleep, I think I am finally adjusting to the Italian time zone. Ariccia is the quaintest little town, with hilly cobblestone streets, ivy covered balconies, and quiet farms off in the distance.

A group of us walking on the bridge to the neighboring town, Albano. The Chigi Palace is directly behind us! (photo courtesy of Katherine Morris)

Our very first night, Maurizio, one of our instructors, showed us the many layers of the city. Partially built to confuse plunder-seeking pirates, and partially built as the Roman Empire grew, Ariccia is laid out in a series of winding streets and piazzas (open alleyways). Our first day in Rome we toured the ruins of the Roman Forum and learned that there are 7 different street levels that date back to ancient Roman times. Similarly, in Ariccia, the lower we walked, the older the streets and the homes became. It’s mind blowing to think that we are living in a Palace that is older than our country.
So far we have spent three days in Rome, and while it is rich with history and architecture, it is also full of tourists and solicitors. Getting off the train when coming home to Ariccia incurs a little sigh of relief. Not to say that Rome isn’t an incredible city, but Rome is to New York City as Ariccia is to Auburn. Ariccia evokes a sense of serenity that the New York City of Italy just doesn’t have.
One of my favorite things that we did yesterday was visit an elementary school and help a fourth grade class with their English. The children were adorable, and we taught them all about Auburn, D.C., and even taught them to sing and write God Bless America! I loved how excited they were to learn about our country.
I couldn’t write this blog without mentioning how blessed I am with the people that have become my fast friends – there is an incredible group here, eager to learn and excited for adventures. I can’t decide whether I’ve been here a week or a month, but I’m thrilled that this journey of learning, excitement, and adventure has only begun!
-Sarah Hill

Livin’ in the Swiss Alps

If you are ever looking for an amazing place to visit if you want to visit Europe, it is definitely the Swiss Alps. You heard it first from Natalie Sapienza. Everyone says to visit Italy, but Interlaken, Switzerland is a hidden gem. This past weekend I traveled to Interlaken and I have never been so in love with a country from the minute i stepped off the airplane. To start, off the Geneva airport is gorgeous and has anything I could ever imagine. No one even needs to have a mall nearby, because the airport has everything and more. I traveled with a great group of girls and was really excited that I got to go with them. We started our trip off with a two and half hour train ride to Interlaken and the hole country of Switzerland was picturesque, I was blown away by the beauty of this country. Once I arrived everyone in the group was obsessed with this small, adventurous town. Everyone spoke perfect English and then could turn around and speak French and German, not to mention, everyone was incredible nice. We had our first excursion Friday night and it was night sledding! It is probably the most surreal thing I have ever done in my life. I was flying down a mountain in the Swiss Alps in the dark while it snowing. All I have to light my way down the three-mile track was the night sky, which is perfect! The sky was so clear and I have never seen so many constellations in my life. I will never forget sledding down that mountain, leaning back and just staring up at the gorgeous sky. It was an amazing trip and I will never forget it and hope to go back to visit a beautiful country.

Train ride up to interlaken!

Everything Amazingly, Wonderful Must Come to An End!

As we are approaching the end of this semester my utter lack of excitement to go home is growing stronger. Don’t get me wrong! I miss my family and friends back in the States, but I have fallen in love with the cute little town of Ariccia, the friends I have made, and Italy in general. It seems as if I just arrived in Ariccia, and then blinked and now we only have two weeks left.
Didn’t take me long to fall in love, and call Ariccia home; from the beautiful sunsets over Lake Albano, the baroque architecture, to the wonderful towns people that truly give this town it’s charming nature. It’s always nice knowing I can get up, and walk across the street to Rita’s to have a delicious cappuccino, or walk down the Corso to see my favorite mustache man and order a panino. Boy, am I going to miss those! Also, after long weekends of travel I am always washed over with a feeling of relief, comfort, and a sense of home the moment I walk through the Palace door. Everything about this quaint little town has pulled on my heart strings, and has made it that much harder for me to leave this place.
When I was arriving in Ariccia I may have been a little nervous, but I was more excited than anything. This experience forced me out of my comfort zone. I was walking into this semester not knowing a single person, but after the first night in Ariccia all my nerves washed away. For the past two and half months I have been living with eighteen ladies all with uniquely, beautiful personalities. As I got to know each one of them a little more I knew this was going to be an amazing and unforgettable experience. I can confidently say that I have made life long best friends that I wouldn’t have gained if it wasn’t for this trip. Not only have they become great friends, but they have become my Chigi family. They have helped make Palazzo Chigi, and Ariccia feel like home.
This opportunity and the amazing people I have gotten to know have enriched my life in so many ways. The town of Ariccia will forever have a piece of my heart, and it will always be my second home. This has been the best experience of my life.

Home, a place your feet may leave but your heart will always be.

~Bryce Bolivar

Caesar’s Forum in the Light

The ruins lit up at the beginning of the show

Our group was very lucky to attend the light show at Caesar’s Forum in Rome. This is the first time the program had taken a group to an event like this. The light show at Augustus’s Forum was such a unique experience according to Linda Ruth that she thought that we would really enjoy seeing it at this new advertised venue. We stayed in Rome until dark to take a tour of Caesar’s Forum with a headset audio that gave us information on the functions the ruins used to serve as well as stories from the past. While we were walking through the site the lights illuminated the ruins and gave us a picture of what used to be there. This is was much more informative than solely using a tour guide because it painted a picture so we were not just listening but also visualizing the story as it was being told. It was so exciting to be able to walk through and picture what life was really like in Caesar’s Forum and the history behind it. This tour truly brings Ancient Rome to life and allows visitors to experience something totally different than a traditional tour. I thought the ruins were beautiful in the day time but seeing them lit up made the experience unbelievable. They were so beautiful, and offered the coolest experience to feel like I was living back in Ancient Rome walking around the Forum. It was like getting to live through a history movie. I would highly suggest keeping this opportunity in the program because it was one of my favorite things that we did in Rome.
By: Hannah Warriner