Growth from Going with the Flow

As I reached the halfway point of my time here in Ariccia, I started to realize how much I have been growing as an individual. Reflecting on the experiences that I have had so far, the thing that stands out to me the most is how I have learned to become more okay with situations that are out of my control. I am someone who likes to have everything planned out. I even have “plans” for general ideas of what I want my life to look like in the coming years, so it is safe to say that I take comfort in having a consistent routine and knowing what to prepare for and get excited for.

Coming into this experience, we were told to not plan all of our weekend trips before arriving in Italy, so that we could go on trips with new people that we meet through the program. This was very good advice, but definitely led to me feeling the stress of trying to book what felt like a million trips a mere few days in advance in some cases. I am aware of how lucky I am to call planning once in a lifetime trips “stressful”, but what I mean to highlight is how all of a sudden I did not have a concrete plan for the next few weeks or even the next few days.

This was so out of my comfort zone, but as the weeks progressed, I started to see the benefits of being more spontaneous and not having every second of my days planned. There is something so beautiful about being more present and in the moment, rather than having my mind jump ahead to what is next on the schedule. I also realized that learning to be more adaptable and go with the flow is an important skill to have before entering the workforce. I’ve learned how valuable it is to be pushed outside of your comfort zone, and I wouldn’t have been able to have this realization if it wasn’t for this program. I now have so much more appreciation for the little things and the experiences that come up unexpectedly.

I know that in the future and throughout my career, there will be days where things come up at the last minute that all of a sudden need my full attention, or that I may have to rearrange my schedule to accommodate those that I will be working with. By learning to plan in short amounts of time and being okay with sometimes not knowing exactly what my days would hold, I feel much more confident for working in a fast paced and ever-changing environment. I am thankful to have had this realization while still in college, and am so grateful for all that this program has taught me about myself and those around me. There are some things that we cannot control, and it is important to learn to trust the people around you. Staying with a group of new people in new surroundings has shown me how imperative this is, and I am lucky to have had this experience alongside them!

– Milly Montgomery

An unforgettable trip to Rome that came from last minute planning!

Broaden Your Horizons

Taking a step out of your comfort zone is something that everyone needs to do, especially during a time like your college life. Not only the Joseph S Bruno abroad experience, but any study abroad is such a great way to do that. Getting uncomfortable and learning new things is one of the best ways to broaden your views and discover more about yourself.

Signing up for this semester abroad was something I never thought I would do and was very out of the ordinary for me. I am a very big homebody and enjoy staying where I am comfortable. Out of nowhere I decided that I wanted to spend my summer abroad, so I signed myself up without a second thought. I had two years between when I registered and when we left for Italy, and in those two years I was constantly asking myself why I did that. I did not know anyone going and I had never even been out of the country. I was stepping into totally new territory without really considering it, and especially in those few weeks leading up to our departure I was deeply regretting it.

Looking back now, I can’t thank myself enough for taking that step and going way out of my comfort zone. In just the first few weeks in Italy, I have made friends with people I never would have known if it wasn’t for this program, experienced things I had only dreamed I would get to do, and learned more about myself than I thought was possible.  Given the chance, I would sign up again in a heartbeat. This semester abroad will forever be a reminder that taking the risk can be worth it in the end.

Catie Jowers

Our weekend trip to Venice- my new favorite place on Earth! I have loved getting to know these girls during our program!

Trova la Gioia!

This study abroad experience has been wonderful and eye-opening in countless amazing ways. I knew, going into this program, that it would be a season of learning and growth while being immersed in a new culture and navigating how to live in a foreign place. Even though I came into this semester unsure of what to expect, a common theme that I have picked up on while being here is to expect the unexpected and to be okay with whatever that may be.

When traveling, things have often not gone as we had hoped, thought, or planned, and the best way to get through these seemingly frustrating moments is to laugh it off, shrug it off, and figure out what’s next. 

I’ve learned that some of these moments will end up becoming some of my most hilarious memories, my best stories that I’ll be able to tell for years to come, and have led me to find and do things that I would otherwise never have. Putting a smile on my face or stopping myself from speaking out loud that negative thought that pops into my head goes a pretty far way in making the best of a situation. 

In many ways, this is a large part of Italian culture and one of the sweet, sweet beauties of the way of life in Italy – to not sweat the small stuff, to make the most of every moment, and to enjoy the now, whatever that may be. So, go with the flow and ‘trova la gioia’ – find the joy in every situation, because I promise that there is a little bit of joy everywhere, if you just look (especially in Italy!).

Sending happiness from Italy!

Nyna Fabrizio

Spent an evening in Nemi during their Strawberry Festival – there were definitely a few hiccups along the way on this day!


When people told me going abroad would be an experience of a lifetime they weren’t lying. The days of this program are packed with activities from sunrise to sundown and though some days are exhausting, it has been worth every minute. I have been here three weeks now and each day is something entirely different. Rome has been our second home and with a short train ride from the town over, we arrive in Rome with high expectations and our apple watches ready to count our steps. I think being in Ariccia really gives you such a traditional experience of how an Italian lives, whereas if we lived in Rome, I would feel like a tourist that lived there for a short few months. Arricia is beautiful and homey, with the best cappuccinos I have ever had. 

The field trip days are the best with our amazing tour guide and friends we meet along the way. Yesterday, we attended a water buffalo farm where we learned how mozzarella was made and had such an amazing and fun experience. We toured the farm as well as was treated with a tasting of the best cheese I have ever had. I think this has been my favorite experience so far, but dress appropriately! 

Overall, I think this trip has taught me a lot about international lifestyles and the amazing culture that Europe has to offer. I cannot wait for what the rest of the experience has in store for me and am overall just so grateful for this experience. 

Yours Truly,

Anna Zygmunt

Me petting my furry friend the water buffalo.

People Are Strange When You’re a Stranger

Have you ever heard of the term “philoxenia”? Translated from Greek, it means the friend of a stranger. While living in a foreign country with nothing but strangers, it’s something everyone needs. Like most of the world, I am in the process of healing from the traumas brought on by the past couple of years. For a while, healing to me was partying and making a pitiful attempt to distract myself from the painful truths of life. I was missing something deep down. 

It wasn’t until I began traveling on my own that I realized that what I had been missing was inside of me the whole time, waiting to come to the surface. Discovering this was not easy though, and it required me to take on one of my greatest fears: talking to people. I mean really talking to people. The funny thing about humans is that we can all relate to two truths. We are all born and eventually, we will all die as well. But what happens between those two events is completely unique to every single soul that has ever inhabited this planet. So imagine how much I was missing out on by never going out of my way to get to know people.

Now going back to the topic at hand, this philoxenia can also describe the hospitality we experience when meeting others, no matter their identity. In Ariccia, I was met by people who were eager to welcome us into their homes or share their lives with us. This basic kindness showed me that, despite how awful the world can be sometimes, there is always someone who cares. 

This is why Italy is special. The landscape enough can bring me to tears, with the mist clinging to the mountains in the early morning or the thunderstorms that echo across the whole valley like a bellowing cry from the heavens. But what truly makes the difference, is the warmth of the people (oh and the wine). The people are personifications of philoxenia itself; from the servers who are patient with my broken Italian to the winemakers who eagerly share their passions with us in their vineyard. Every time one of these connections is made, I am shown a new dimension of the human race.  I’m not sure if I would have ever discovered my own philoxenia had I not experienced all the pain of the past. As much as it hurt, it challenged me to push my boundaries and brought me to Italy. I now recognize that the people I meet along the way are more than just mere side characters in the story of my life. They are vibrant, distinct souls, that each have something to show you.

-Liv Elam

Waste, Where?

One of the major differences between Italian culture and American culture is the way that waste is handled. On the tour of campus, one of the main areas covered was the recycling and compost bins. My group was given an extensive rundown of what products and packaging can be recycled, and photos are placed above the bins for even more clarification on what waste goes where. 

When walking around the city of Ariccia, I noticed that this was not unique to the palace, and everyone in town also had the same waste bins, separating non-recyclables, plastics, paper, and cans. Some states in America are lucky to even have recycling. Many cities cannot afford it. 

Speaking of food waste, Italians are extremely resourceful when it comes to their meat and produce. On our latest trip to a vineyard, we saw the harvesting of grapes. These grapes made oil, marmalade, and of course, wine. The cheese that was being made in front of us made prima salle, and the leftover liquid was used for a completely different type of cheese. When our group was being taught about meat, every single piece was used, and treated more respectfully. 

The relationship with clothing is different as well, buying quality over quantity, and acquiring more neutral colors so clothes can move from season to season. And, they last for years. Black never goes out of style, and I have noticed that it is the color of choice for Italian women. 

The attitude towards these raw materials are inspiring, and everything is cared for so much more. Clothes are meant to last a lifetime, and recycling and composting are a given here. When cooking, Italians view it in a restorative way, nourishing their bodies with food that has been locally sourced, and enjoying the ingredients from start to finish.

This is me molding cheese at our wine harvest. I bought a block of this cheese right after we ate it with the grape marmalade. It was the best cheese I have ever had.

Jessie Roller, Fall 2021

The Time of My Life

My 20s… the defining time.  The era in which I am meant to move on from school and am expected to have a career solidified.  I will live on my own for the first time, meet a significant other.  Some people even chose to have children. This is the time I am supposed to live life to its absolute fullest.  

With all of this pressure, I tend to ask myself, “What if I am doing it wrong?  What if at this monumental point I am missing a crucial step… am I not attending the right events, taking the right classes, meeting the right people?  What if I am failing my 20s?”

But then, I think…  I think back to Camp War Eagle three years ago when I signed up to spend the summer of 2021 in Italy.  I can retreat to the anxiousness I felt spending the entire pandemic waiting to hear if this program was cancelled, if everyone had called it quits.  I look back on getting off the bus that first day, and all of the wonder, excitement, and nervousness I felt, the homesickness late at night, the deep desire for a single Chick-fil-a nugget.  I can vividly remember meeting all of my 10 new classmates and being so frightened they would not like me (or even worse they would not like taking pictures).  One of my favorite times to reflect on is trying to sort out how I was going to eat turkey melts for the next 74 days, considering it was my one and only cooking talent.

Today,  I have 10 new friends. I have travelled to 22 different cities over the course of a little over a month, toured Rome, slept in a cave, boiled noodles for the first time, made some delicious potatoes, drank wines at vineyards, almost threw up from sea sickness on the Amalfi Coast, learned a little Italian, and have gained pounds worth of gelato.  I have grown in ways that would’ve been absolutely infeasible if I let fear hinder me from committing to this program and studying in this magnificent country during an uncertain time.  In my 20s, I have decided to put myself out there and reach beyond anything close to my comfort zone.  I have decided to immerse myself in a culture so beautifully different then my own.  As I begin my 20s, I may currently lack a solid career, a husband — let alone a child — but I sure have 42 (and soon, 74) days I can promise, without a doubt, that I lived to their fullest.

So here I am, about half way through. Summer 2021.  Italy.  The time of my life.

Sending all my love from Italy,

Kathleen Musick

Living life to its fullest by spending the sunset frolicking in the streets of Ariccia

HOW and WHY to keep in touch with home

Leaving home to study abroad is no small feat.

This means leaving behind everything and everyone you know for a new, personal experience. It is so important to me to keep in touch with those people back home- whether it’s significant others, parents, or roommates. These people who knew me best and could offer support and guidance during this season of change.

Being far from home can be hard and I’ve learned I’ve needed someone to lean on at some point, whether I liked it or not. It’s a matter of when, not if.

One of the hardest adjustments for me was the time difference. Living in Ariccia meant I was six hours ahead of my family and friends in the states. I am the Queen of FaceTime. I use FaceTime not just occasionally to catch up, but multiple times on a daily basis. Not being able to have that part of my daily routine was challenging. I had to make time for these relationships. There are many obstacles, don’t get me wrong. Schedules are unpredictable and while my life was completely different, everyone at home was continuing on. Tests, quizzes, all-nighters were still happening, even if I was no longer there.

My solution was planning. I sat down and looked at my week ahead. I had to ask those I love in advance about when we each could talk, even if only for a few minutes. It was much easier than I expected, it turns out they missed me just as much as I had been missing them.

It was very comforting to share a laugh with Dad after I fell in front of everyone or to tell my best friend that I got separated from friends on a train in the middle of Italy (but thankfully found them a few panicked minutes later).

My advice? Enjoy all of the people you meet and get to know them during your time abroad. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made. However, don’t forget about the ones that are cheering you on from across the pond.

-Lindsey Malone

A photo from my first weekend in Italy, which I sent to my family in the states.

Girlfriend’s Guide to Carefree Group Travel

Find inner peace when traveling with friends.

Traveling alone can be stressful – from expenses, to transportation, and the dread of packing. We can all agree that adding a group of people to this situation can make or break the experience.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned within the first few weeks of my study abroad experience, it’s that traveling with friends brings about some of the most unforgettable moments – good and bad. In order to get the most out of travels, it’s essential to take the right steps to make sure that everyone is on the same page.

Plan ahead of time

Planning ahead is a great way to save money and time – something that everyone in the group will be happy with. Doing this also gave me the opportunity to have a heads up on the preferences of group members (like if they prefer to travel earlier or later in the day.)

Understand each other’s expectations

Having some prior insight of what group members want to get out of this trip saved me from conflict of interest once I was there. For example, when I travel I like to plan a mix of scheduled and unscheduled days so I have some room to explore once I’m there. Some people are go-getters and prefer to plan a jam-packed itinerary (and some just want to relax.) Understanding these expectations and not letting differences get the best of me were essential for a smooth trip.

Find group members that have the same expectations

One thing I found when traveling every weekend was, just because I traveled in a group didn’t mean we had to do every little thing together. Sometimes splitting up to do different activities can help the group dynamic, especially if there is a difference of opinion.

Be Flexible

People are going to want to pop into shops, restaurants will be closed, and plans throughout travels will change. Going into a trip with a “go with the flow” mentality made it a lot easier to adjust to changes when they happened.

Find that happy place

Privacy is rare on a group trip, and as an introvert, I sometimes need time to myself to recharge – it helps to take some time before traveling travels to do this. Find a way to get to a happy place; for me it’s a few deep breaths or reminding myself what an amazing experience it is.

Plans will change, people will have differences in opinion, but ultimately my attitude and outlook on how I wanted my experience to go is allowing me live my best life while studying abroad.

Safe Travels, Katherine Shepard

Falling in love with Barcelona

Be A Yes Woman

Not one single word can be used to describe the experience of studying abroad in Italy with the JSB program. I signed up for this study abroad experience my first week of freshman year, over two years ago. The excitement continued to build up, along with a lot of feelings of the unknown. I felt overwhelmed as the experience was getting closer but at the same time was filled with hope of so many new possibilities. As I have learned in the past two weeks, I the best way to take down such an incredible and bigger-than-you experience like this is to jump right in.

I most definitely recommend bringing a small personal journal. I started writing in mine about 12 days before my departure. I filled it with emotions of leaving, how I was packing, the places I wanted to go, and so on. Living in the Chigi Palace is an experience on its own. Living in a place with so much rich history and with amazing friends that I know will develop into lifelong relationships makes this experience even more special. The personal journal I have, gives me the extra space I need keep track of where I am emotionally, mentally, and physically. I would highly suggest to anyone getting ready to study abroad with JSB or any other program to bring a special journal that can be used to be present and stay aware of every aspect of this incredible experience. It is also something special to hold onto to look back on in the future. 

I would also suggest to, no matter what, always say yes. Never stop exploring, and always say yes to hanging out with the other students for lunch or dinner. To always remember this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that not many people are lucky enough to have. I have gained such an incredible feeling of gratitude and perspective throughout my first two weeks here. Through this journey I am excited to see how I will grow through challenging myself to always say yes to the places I want to go and things I want to do. 



Me at the Colosseum! My favorite spot to visit!