Well, I really don’t know where to start! This summer has been absolutely amazing. I’ve had to opportunity to come back to Ariccia with the Joseph S. Bruno program for the second time; this time as the GTA. It’s been a pleasure getting to know each and every one of the girls here. It’s been a great group of girls. I could not have asked for a better way to spend my summer. Although we have been quite busy with classes and field trips and other travels, I feel like I’ve been able to connect with each of the girls in some way.
Throughout the summer we have all had the opportunity to travel to many different places. It really is unreal the amount of sites we see and places we get to go in just 3 months! Some of the places I’ve traveled outside of the program are: Paris, Dubrovnik (Croatia), Bari (Italy), Venice, a ranch in Tuscany, Istanbul (Turkey), Izmir (Turkey), Olympia (Greece), and Santorini (Greece). It is hard to say which destination was my favorite because I love a part of all of them, but if I had to choose, I think I will have to say Santorini! Santorini was beautiful and very relaxing. The views were breathtaking. This was my last weekend of travel before heading back to the U.S. and it was without a doubt a great way to end the summer!
This entire study abroad experience had been incredible. Each day we travel as a group and separately on the weekends, I remind myself to stop and take in every moment. It’s not everyday that I get to be a part of these unbelievable places. I’ve learned to appreciate life and time even more. Life and time are so precious and it’s important to live each day to the fullest and soak up every moment of every single day, hour, minute and second! I loved this program the first time I came as a student, but I appreciate and have a deeper love for this amazing program after coming back a second time. It has taught me so many things and I feel like it has done the same for the group that is here this summer. I’ve seen these girls grow in different way throughout the summer, and I think that’s one of the beauties of the Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy program. It truly is a life-changing experience and a once in a lifetime opportunity! I’m very thankful and blessed to have had the opportunity to be a part of this unbelievable program not only once, but twice! These are memories that will last a lifetime!

Some of my favorite people! Each holds a very special place in my heart! (Cinzia- Program Facilitator, Francesco- History of Italian Architecture and Director of Chigi Palace, Roberta- Program Coordinator)
By: Margaret Anne Albritton