Crossing Borders

Living in a palace in Italy for three months is an opportunity that only a few people can experience. Fortunately, I had the privilege to be part of Joseph S. Bruno, a studying abroad program that gives students the opportunity to immerse themselves into the Italian culture and be part of transformative experiences. As a graduate teaching assistant, I witnessed first-hand how much of an impact the program had in every single student. 

Being an international student, I was already expecting for students to feel homesick and for some to be challenge out of their comfort zones. A couple of years ago I was in a similar position as them when I decided to move to the United States and study my master’s degree in Auburn. Therefore, I was glad that I was able to guide them and advise them throughout the semester. It was a unique feeling as I felt I was their friend but also everyone’s big sister. Every student grew in different ways, and I was overcome with a sense of pride when together we found solutions to their problems or if they improved their mood after having a conversation with me.

It is true that I am well-traveled and that this was not my first long-term international experience. Nevertheless, students weren’t the only ones that faced different challenges. I am an only child and taking on the responsibility of the well-being of fourteen students was not an easy task. However, I was surprised with myself on how comfortable I was assuming the leadership position. One of the days I experienced a significant amount of personal growth was the second week being in Italy when we came back from an excursion to Bologna. I was in charge of making sure everyone made it back to Ariccia safely and in a timely manner. We had to take a public bus from the hotel to the main train station of Bologna and then two connecting trains. My experience with taking trains was limited because back in my country they do not exists. Nevertheless, I paid attention to the instructions given by Lydia, the program director, and made sure everyone was on time to take the bus and the trains.

That day I learned the importance of paying attention to detail, listening to others, punctuality, and shared responsibility. The successful return to the Chigi Palace could not only be attributed to my leadership skills but also the student’s willingness to listen and follow instructions played a crucial role to our accomplishment. It amazed me how even though the students and I had only met for a week, we had mutual trust.

Despite our differences, me not being from the United States, English not being my first language, not having their same skin color, and having different cultures, they all confided in me, trusted me and accepted me as their leader. My experience illustrates how if people are open, willing to listen, and work with each other, then differences become insignificant. I am extremely grateful to them and to all the people that gave me the opportunity to be part of this amazing experience here in Italy.

– Yasmine Adamali, Graduate Teaching Assistant Spring 2024

My first picture together with all the students. We were all learning about roman history, art, and architecture.

Try Not to Blink

Welcome to Italy, a beautiful land filled with wonders, history, and a new path to be taken, but try not to blink because it all goes by in such an instant. From day one, every single day has been a constant blur of movement, learning, and a whole new world of experiences for me. I have gone to wine tastings, eaten octopus, climbed hundreds of stairs, missed trains, made trains, broke a bed, fell in Pompeii, made new friends, spoke Italian, helped create a beautiful tiramisù, and explored an ancient Temple of Diana, all things I had never considered or never had the opportunity to do before. Perhaps the most insane part of this amazing experience would be that it is more than halfway done, but there is still so much more to experience.

I will say that not all of this program has been sunshine and rainbows, and it certainly is no vacation. However, it has been wonderful nonetheless and filled with stories that could only be collected through this experience. Who can say that they lost two chunks of their hand and bled all over the historical roads of Pompeii? Who can say they experienced the reality of Naples, the good and the bad, over the course of a weekend? How many people are granted the opportunity to really see and be a part of another culture? Well, I can, and, without the Joseph S. Bruno (JSB) Program, these stories would have remained untold, and these moments of cultural connection would never be mine to cherish.

It is crazy to think about how I ended up in such an amazing place as Italy. To start with, the JSB Program was one of the key reasons I became a Global Studies major, and through this program I have had a chance to interact with so many people and experience so many cultures, both American and Italian, through cohabitation and traveling around Italy. This experience has forced me to grow as a person and further develop my cultural intelligence, which is crucial for my future professional and personal life of collaboration on a global stage. Living with others in close corridors for twelve weeks emphasizes the necessity of problem-solving and working through conflicts together. I came to Italy to see the world, grow as a person, and learn to work better with others, and I have done all of that and so much more.

Before this program, I would be classified as the quiet, introverted, but quirky kid. Someone who struggled to make lasting friends, take chances, and tended to live life without truly experiencing it, preferring to stay in my own world. While I cannot say that I have become a completely new person, I believe I am happier with who I am and what I have been able to accomplish.

During this program I have been pushing my comfort zone and making friendships that I hope and believe will last, taking chances with travel and experiencing Italy, and, most importantly, learning to value myself more. I may not have traveled as far or as often as many of the people on this program, but, when I did travel, it was authentic and valuable.

Much like a crucible burning away impurities, the JSB Program revealed aspects of myself I had never considered and forced me to participate in the lives of my travel companions and local community in a way I had never experienced before. There was always something to do, always some element or activity connected to the culture to engage with. Time to relax and watch television was sparse and far in-between, that is if you wanted to sleep at a reasonable time. But this was a good thing, at least for me.

Without being forced out of my comfort zone, I fear I may never have left it. I hope to continue pushing this boundary and growing long after this program ends, taking my knowledge and drive into the real world and making a genuine difference wherever I end up.

With three weeks left of this program, I am not sure how it will end, but I know I will be trying my best to keep my eyes open and try not to blink. I know that I am better off for this program and feel confident moving forward, knowing that I have gained skills to connect with others from various backgrounds and cultures to achieve a common goal. I know now that I have the ability and drive to overcome any challenge that comes my way through collaboration and perseverance.

Thus, for the last time, I am trying not to blink during these last few weeks, and I will always remember my experiences and personal growth forged during the Joseph S. Bruno Travel Abroad Program of Spring 2024.

Grace Hannah

Melisa Strickland and I on our walk to the Temple of Diana in Nemi. This was one of my favorite days here in Italy, and I was trying to work on my selfie skills. They may still need some work, but it was a truly wonderful adventure!

From Home to Rome

As I packed my bags, I became aware that I was bringing my small comforts of home to a place that was very unfamiliar and new. I realized that what few garments and American luxuries could fit into a suitcase would become the little reminders of home that I would have for the next three months. As I watched the plane land on the tarmac through my window in Rome, I was compelled to remember a life that was no longer mine and start to dream of what the next three months could be. But more importantly, who I could become. Clinging on to the moment, through heavy eyes yearning for rest, I pushed myself to embrace the journey to Ariccia. Eyes peering out of a window wanting to understand more, I allowed myself to relish in the adventure and appreciate the approaching landscape. 

When I stepped off the bus with luggage in both hands, I looked up and marveled at a palace and culture that was awaiting me. Settling into my nest, I sprinkled familiar faces on my cork board and transformed it into a refuge that I could turn to when everything I knew felt a million miles away. Shortly after, I was brought into a kitchen where local cuisine and introductions of porchetta were waiting for me on white plates. I then realized that my worries would diminish, and I could instead embrace the people, landscape, and culture that was before me. As I began going to Antico Caffè and dining at local restaurants, I was inundated with the feeling that the community was excited for our arrival.

The locals showed hospitality, the owners were friendly, and the adorable Italian ladies at the sandwich shop made me realize that maybe this place was not so daunting after all. Quickly realizing that Italian was a language that I could embrace, I practiced my skill set ordering coffees in the morning and navigating my way through the grocery store. It was here that I realized my major in Communications holds no geographical bounds, and through engaging with the locals, I will gain an enriching cultural experience.

On Friday, our class went on a field trip to Rome, and I was reminded of the history that surrounded me. As we turned each street corner, we found ancient buildings scattered throughout the city and facades with stories to tell. Treading through the streets, we gleaned information about an empire that once was, and our tour guide navigated us through the city with humor. In doing so, he was bringing both education and vitality to a city whose empire had fallen. 

As I returned from the city and went back to my new home in Ariccia, the walk home was accompanied with a breathtaking sunset and bells that rang in the crisp air. With dusk approaching, I found myself in a moment of solace and took the opportunity to venture to a lookout with an amazing view. I saw a variety a of artisans approaching as I took each step and encountered a market with an array of goods. I browsed the white tables with trinkets scattered on top and appreciated the work and craftsmanship of the community around me.

After that, my tired feet begged me to venture back to the palace, yet sounds filled the air once more. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. Confusion was replaced with elation as I saw colors burst into the dark night. They were fireworks. While often used as a symbol for moments of joy and awe, I found it only fitting that their presence marked the end of my first week and the start to my new life in Ariccia. So maybe I will use it as a symbol; being here feels like fireworks.

– Danielle Rabe

Sunset from the Monumental Bridge Ariccia

Looking With Your Eyes First, and Phone Second: The Relationship with Social Media as a Study Abroad Student

Studying abroad has taught me so much about Italian culture, my peers, and myself. As someone who has never travelled outside of North America before I am so in awe of the beauty that Italy has to offer. During our first week, my teachers Lydia and Cinzia have encouraged all the students to consider and think about the relationship we want to have with social media while all of us are here. They have encouraged us to be mindful in three ways such as, thinking like a traveler and not a tourist, considering how much you want to share online, and being present. All these factors considered, I have been able to reflect and modify my social media use quite a bit since arriving to Italy.

When it comes to thinking like a traveler, I have been able to distinguish myself quite a bit from the people who are here on vacation versus me being here for an educational and immersive experience. The pictures I take and choose to post reflect supporting local businesses and giving back to the community. My pictures and posts also reflect my education experiences (i.e., the people of Ariccia that I am meeting, tours of historical locations, information about architecture and cuisine, etc.). Since the lecture regarding social media presence online and how to distinguish yourself from tourists who are looking to broadcast their experience online, I have found myself able to discern what I want to post, and what I want to keep to myself. I have also made more intentional choices and have been able to find a deeper appreciation for my surroundings and all that Italy has to offer.

Prior to beginning my study abroad experience, I created a separate Instagram that was meant to document my time in Ariccia and to stay in touch with family. I knew I wanted it to become a blog style account, so I created it with the intention of posting as much as possible. Since being here I have truly evaluated the reasons, I post and remain active on the account. While it is a great way to stay connected with family and friends, and give them a sneak peek into my life, I have decided to pick and choose the things I want to share online versus keep for myself. Rather than have the account to parade around my experiences, I have decided to just simply document my highlights and keep it as an online journal of sorts. Once I got here, rather than posting on social media, I created a newsletter email chain with all my close friends and family sharing links to photos and describing in detail all that I am learning and experiencing while abroad. At the end of the day, it is my close friends and family I want to share my experiences with, rather than strangers on the internet. My desire to share for documentation rather than engagement has altered my use of social media and has allowed me to form a better relationship with it.

Before my study abroad adventure began, I must admit that one of the smaller aspects that I was so excited about was all the photos I would take at iconic monuments, showing off to my friends, and boosting my Instagram feed. With having such a busy schedule, I have not had as much time to scroll on social media and catch up on what all of my friends are doing. This has allowed me to be fully able to soak in as much as I can and not be tethered to my device or feel a need to “show off”. I began to reflect on why I felt this way and I began to consider the role social media played in my life. I noticed things like when my food would get dropped in front of me, I would whip out my phone immediately. Another example would be choosing outfits because I knew I would be taking pictures in them, or just simply pulling my phone out at a lookout rather than taking in the view! When I noticed the habit of reaching for my phone immediately, I decided to make the choice of looking with my eyes first and then taking a photo to commemorate the memory second. In doing this, I have been present and awake as I explore and discover new places. I have truly felt that my memories are much more vivid and clear. As I gaze upon my photos, I am taken back to the simple things that are engrained in my memory simply from taking in things in with my eyes first: the sensation of the weather in the moment, the sounds, the smells, and countless other details.

-Emma Cate Sullivan

Taking in the view both mentally and electronically!

Experiencing from a Different Perspective

Exploring a new place comes with a different perspective for each person. These perspectives may be derived from many different things – previous knowledge & experiences, interests, hobbies, etc. As a group of 14, we all signed up for this program, with a few things in common, wanting to immerse ourselves in the Italian culture and gain cultural experiences through opportunities, however, we are all very different individuals. We grew up in different cities and towns, have different-sized families, some have traveled more than others, and have a variety of majors, interests, and hobbies. These differences cause us to see and experience the opportunities through this program in our own individual way.

Throughout this program, we have many opportunities to not only see different places throughout Italy but also have the chance to appreciate the beauty, design, and architecture of our surroundings everywhere we go. These opportunities, depending on your interests, may be perceived and understood differently. While we all gain knowledge from the things we see, some may focus on certain aspects and find some more interesting than others.

As someone who is studying interior design, I have a strong appreciation for the beauty, design, and architecture of everything we see and get the opportunity to experience. For many years, I have always found interest in art & design history, architecture, and design in general. Taking major-specific courses throughout college has allowed me to gain a lot of knowledge in many of these areas of interest. From learning about the historical past of interior design, architects, and designers to the modern day, there are many concepts, buildings, and architects I have a lot of familiarity with.

This previous knowledge and familiarity have allowed me to approach these program experiences from a different perspective. When visiting a new town, city, church, restaurant, or historical building, I find myself so intrigued by the execution of the architecture and design of each place. There are small, intricate details that come together to tell a story and create a beautiful masterpiece of a church, town, city, or historical building. I have realized because of this, I have much more appreciation for the things I am getting the opportunity to see and experience. While I was intrigued by these interests previously, you gain a new perspective of these interests when you are immersed in such beauty in the architecture and design around you.

While I may pay more attention to the intricate details of the design, execution, and architecture of the places we visit, others may be more intrigued by how it lies in the timeline of history. Even though we each have our own way of experiencing them, we are all able to appreciate the many different opportunities we get to experience throughout this program. Fourteen different perspectives on the places we are going, what we are learning, and the things we are seeing will ultimately provide each of us with a more full-circle experience and well-rounded perspective to look back on and appreciate. 

Hallie Tant

Ornate architecture and design portrayed through a room in The Louvre.

The Other Side of the Coin

I recited the same story countless times to family, friends, acquaintances, and
strangers in the two years leading up to my departure from Montgomery, Alabama and
arrival to Ariccia, Italy. “I’m going to study abroad in Italy for three whole months!” But,
no matter how many times I said it, it never actually felt real. I had never left the country,
or even the south of the United States for that matter. I wanted to go to Italy for as long
as I could remember and I even signed up for this program my first semester as a
freshman at Auburn.

I completely idolised the experience of visiting another country such as Italy, but
as my flight got closer, I began to feel some serious anxiety about my decision. I did not
know one person going into this experience and I had not flown since I was a child, let
alone by myself. It seemed insane what I had signed up for the closer the time got. This
program was something completely out of my comfort zone and like nothing I had ever
done before. I was very anxious about how different things would be in such a foreign
place and how alone I would be without anyone I know coming along with me.
Once I arrived in Ariccia, the reality of my situation didn’t set in until a few weeks
into the program, if I’m being honest. Some of my fears were realized and the
adjustment curve was steep, but I soon began to settle into my new way of life. I
established routines, found new favorite foods, made great friends, and got comfortable
with navigating and using public transportation. I have gotten to see so many beautiful
things and have learned so much already. I’ve had the opportunity to practice my Italian
in an immersive way that I would not have been able to elsewhere. I’ve discovered
aspects about myself that I never would have if I hadn’t decided to take a step into the

There were definitely lots of moments where I felt like giving up and catching the
next flight back, but I would not trade the experience I have had for anything. I have
grown more in the past seven weeks than I have from any other experience I can
remember. My resolve has been tested physically, mentally, socially, academically, and
more since I arrived in Ariccia. I remember writing in my first journal entry for week one
that I knew I would leave this program much differently than I came into it, and I can
already tell that will be true.

As of now, I am more than half-way through my time in Ariccia, and I believe that
the coin has flipped. I can see the brighter side of things and I am now comfortable and
see the Chigi Palace as a home away from home. I won’t lie and say that I don’t miss
my home in the United States, but I’m now completely open to soaking in all of the time
and experiences that I have left in this special place.

Melisa Strickland

– The Ponte Monumentale di Ariccia at sunset on January 31, 2024

Business Student Meets Humanities College

Coming into this program, I was excited to put my excel sheets aside and discover a new learning perspective amongst a new array of students in a hands-on classroom contrary to the computer labs I am accustomed to. As a finance major, this program which entails attaining a minor in Humanities Studies was not marketed in our major curriculum or by any of our professors, but I set out to find a study abroad program in Auburn that would offer me a hands-on cultural experience before going into the banking corporate world. Coming to Ariccia has offered me exactly what I was looking for, a challenging journey with new experiences that accentuate and force the growth of my creative abilities.

Originally, I was very nervous to be amidst predominantly fashion merchandising and interior design majors, coming from classes where all of my tests were building financial models in excel. This curriculum has allowed me to develop a new perspective and expand my once naive thoughts to a lot of cultural concepts including religion, diet, fashion sustainability, and art. What I have appreciated the most is the thought-provoking design that encourages us, as students, to be able to think about the meaning and impact behind what our bare eye initially sees. It goes way beyond just seeing beautiful sights on field trips and teaches us where these cities are derived from and what actions and thoughts went into cultivating the beautiful landscapes and diverse cultures. I have found the perfect balance between being able to showcase my financial skills while also integrating myself in a humanities curriculum through our Elevate Ariccia project. I am getting the opportunity to help build an urban development business proposal which is allowing me to harmonize my talents with the new skills I am building each day.

There is also so much to learn from the other students around me and my environment. I feel like I am truly out of my comfort zone in the best way possible. In my finance classes back in Auburn, all of the other students fit a certain mold and mindset that does not allow for a lot of variety in perspectives. It is easy to fall back into comfort and reach a standstill when all of your peers around you share the same opinion and outlooks. It does not allow for any factual counter-arguments or stimulating observations. The amount of hospitality and intrinsic creative curiosity amongst the other students around me has truly taught me how to learn and adapt in a different format. It also has impacted me to be in the Chigi Palace and around so much beauty constantly. As someone who has always been concerned about how to get the highest rate of return or close a deal that results in revenue growth and increased relationships, it is nice to slow down and listen to outside perspectives while taking in the stillness of the beauty around me. I think these tools and resources that I have gained since being in Ariccia are going to serve as an asset as I start my working professional career upon graduation.

Angela Makuck

This is me with my film camera capturing the beauty around me.

Defining My Life Choices

My freshman year at Auburn University was one of the happiest moments in my life, particularly because that was the day, I signed up to study abroad with the JSB Program. Within my three weeks of being here, I feel much more confident about life after graduation and the opportunities that await me. I initially signed up to study abroad for the opportunity to travel and my love for change, but the self-development I have experienced is the best reward yet.

After my first week in Ariccia, my self-awareness grew as I experienced what it was like being a minority in a foreign country. Unfamiliar with the main language and customs, I often was humbled in the many mistakes I made. Luckily, the locals of Ariccia were expecting our arrival and would kindly offer help when we needed it. I never asked the elderly man to help me withdraw money from the ATM or the store owner who taught me how to order properly, but they did, and so generously. Through these experiences, I’ve realized how hard it must be to move to the United States, learn the language, and to adapt the customs.

The stories of strangers I heard during my second week in Ariccia changed my entire perspective of life after graduation. As our group traveled around Ariccia’s neighbouring towns (the Castelli Romani area), I engaged with many business owners and learned a lot about betting on yourself. One small jewelry store owner encouraged my friends and I to follow our hearts in our career. After working a corporate job for twenty years, she quit unexpectedly and decided to open her own store in the countryside. She claims she’s the happiest she’s ever been. It was extremely refreshing to hear this because there are endless amounts of pressure to be rich or successful back home. Sometimes Americans will base their whole life around their career and while I do strive for success, this stranger encouraged me to follow my heart.

As this third week comes to an end, I am so graciously thankful for the other students that are here with me. I have learned quite a lot about the importance of compliments and little acts of kindness. While exploring Castel Gandolfo (a neighboring town of Ariccia), one of the girls complimented me on my laugh and how it always made her giggle when she heard it. My heart was filled with so much joy and it easily became the best compliment I’ve ever received. It’s the act of noticing the things about one another that I find extremely special. Three weeks I’ve been here in Ariccia, but the people are making it feel so much like a home. Sometimes, I wish time would slow down a little bit more because I dread the morning I wake up and it will be my last day here. Meeting and getting to know the faculty, locals, and students has built many of my personal skills and I am looking forward to all the discoveries and lessons yet to learn.

Ava Caroline Lewis

A beautiful sunset picture of Castel Gandolfo, a neighboring town of Ariccia.

Making Ariccia Home

Traveling over 5,000 miles away from a place I have called home for all my life, to a new country that speaks a totally different language than I do, was definitely an experience I was nervous about but also excited. There have been a few different occurrences where I have had to make new places home (like going to college), but never somewhere quite as far as Ariccia, Italy. As we embark on our last few weeks in this wonderful, quaint town, I can confidently say that this place feels like home. There are many reasons why Ariccia is so easy to call home.

I think in order to make a new place or country feel more comfortable and like I am home, it is important to reintroduce familiar routines and habits to help create a homey setting. For example, decorating my bedroom area with some personal artwork, as well as some pictures of friends and family help create the feeling of home. To feel more comfortable, especially at the start of moving to Ariccia, it was important to me to have foods from home that I knew I enjoyed and gave me a sense of comfort. However, to fit in with Ariccia and make this town a new home, trying their foods that are a delicacy to the town was very fun. Specifically porchetta di Ariccia, which has become one of my new favorite things. Trying the foods and creating a home-like setting are just a few of the things I have done to help make Ariccia feel like my new home. However, there are many other things that have contributed to this sense of belonging to the town.

A key part in making a new place home is engaging and getting involved with the community. Although I do not speak Italian fluently, it has been a joy and a pleasure to be able to engage with the wonderful community of Ariccia. Through our semester-long project, Elevate Ariccia, I have gotten to engage with the community during English nights, a sip and sketch night, as well as going to the senior center and getting to know some of the elders in the community. Getting to know the members of the community in this way has made Ariccia a joyous place to live. Although these events are great to get to know the people in the town, one of my favorite activities is to go and sit at Antico’s Cafè every morning and be welcomed by the friendly faces who work there. Abu, Paulo, and his family, are one of the leading factors to Ariccia being a place I can happily call home. From the beginning they have welcomed me with open arms and always have a smile on their face. Everytime I step through the doors to the cafè, it is as if I am walking into a friend’s house.

I have been so fortunate as to get to live in this town, meet all the wonderful members of the community, and call this place home. All of these factors and more are how I have made Ariccia my home away from home. I am so sad to leave, but I know that whenever I come back, it will be like coming back home.

Ashby Lambert

View of the amazing sunsets from the main square in Ariccia!

A Whole New World

After only two and a half weeks of being in Ariccia, I have experienced so many incredible things that I could only dream of before. The day we got to Italy I travelled for so many hours and felt a lot of exhaustion, but I will never forget the feeling of driving across the bridge and seeing the city for the first time. The bridge was bathed in golden light, and the palace was surrounded by beautiful a forest full of colors. After unpacking and finally having a good night’s rest, we were finally able to explore our home for the next few months. The small town of Ariccia has such a wholesome and pleasant atmosphere that makes me feel so comfortable being here in Italy.

Traveling has always been a huge dream of mine, and I have already visited so much since being here. This includes Rome, different parts of the Castelli Romani, and Bologna. Each of these places gave me an inside view of Italian culture in new and exciting ways. I was bewildered seeing ancient structures scattered across every city, each one telling the story of a different time. Our Rome Scavenger Hunt introduced me to so many breathtaking monuments and structures, and stepping off the train and seeing the Colosseum for the first time was probably what made me have my “I can’t believe I am here!” moment.

Also, being in the main square of Bologna, listening to street performers play music at sunset is one of the most surreal moments of my life. The city itself was so full of life and laughter it made me feel a new sense of belonging. Last week we were able to meet with many locals throughout the Castel Romani, and it allowed me to better relate to their lives and connect with them. For instance, we met a restaurant owner in Castel Gandolfo, and he described the delightful ways he connects with his community as well as his passion for his work. He also served some of the best fettuccine I had in my entire life!

One of the most valuable experiences I have had so far is going to the local high school and getting to know some of the students. As soon as I stepped into the building I felt very out of my element, but I was still eager to meet more members of the community. I loved getting to know the daily lives of each student and hearing the questions they had for me about American culture. It was amazing to hear how much English they knew, and it makes me want to continue to progress in my Italian. Communication is so important when adjusting to a new environment, and my goal is to be able to hold a thoughtful conversation in Italian by the end of the semester.

Although I love my time in Ariccia so far, it has been a bit of an adjustment. Meeting new people, trying new foods, and learning new things all have opened me up to a whole new world around me. I can’t wait to continue my journey and become more courageous and take risks. I am having so many unique experiences and emotions, that at times I feel like I am in a fairy tale waiting for my next adventure.

-Emma Kimball

Seeing the sunset from the clock tower in Bologna!