When I decided to study abroad, I knew some significant changes would occur. Changes are inevitable when it comes to living in a new country; not only are we trying to adapt to a new schedule we are also learning a new culture and language. However, the clothing style is the most significant change from Auburn, Alabama, to Ariccia, Italy. When completing the prep course, one of the first “do not” mentioned is to wear leggings in public. To put it in comparison, when I was living in Auburn, every day, my outfits were the same, leggings and a t-shirt. Now that I live in Ariccia, I have been mixing and matching jeans and sweaters daily.
With going through this change with everyone else, I have decided to make my outfits a fun conversation starter between my mom and me. In talking with fellow students studying abroad, most of us agree that we all have difficulty finding time to call back home. My solution to this problem and to help deal with some of the early mornings is to text my mom a picture of my outfit, including the hairstyle, and then write a blurb about my day. My blurb can consist of the weather, an activity I am excited to attend, or where we travel on the weekends. Sending my outfit also helps me keep track of my days. I now look forward to sending my mom these photos, knowing she gets excited. This is because even at three in the morning in Orlando, Flordia, she is still up to text me back.
Five thousand one hundred and thirty-five: that is the number of miles between Auburn, Alabama, and Ariccia, Italy. It is so crazy that I had to travel so many miles across the ocean to a completely different country to become so close to someone who sat one table away from me in class at Auburn.
We have only been in Ariccia for three weeks, but we all seem to find one degree of separation between us and a friend at Auburn. You hear the saying “small world” all the time, but it took me leaving my bubble with people who were a part of that same bubble to even begin to come to this conclusion. I understand we all go to the same school and are primarily in the same college, but it is hard to think of my life not as an independent entity. Finding all these “crossover episode” moments has made this transition comforting. I am no longer in my Auburn routine, but I am reminded of the joy that Auburn fills me with by these small connections made in passing conversations. Now for the person it took me five thousand one hundred and thirty-five miles to find, Kenzie.
Kenzie and I are both Juniors in Interior design. There are only 40 people in our cohort, and we have at least one class a semester with all forty of us. Like any situation, there are small friend groups within the whole, but still, we all rant about the same projects and sit in Spidle until the sun comes up, waiting for a 3D rendering to process. Through all those moments, one would think Kenzie and I would have had a conversation, but we hadn’t. The first time I talked to Kenzie, I was sitting in the international terminal of the Atlanta airport waiting to board our flight to Rome. Once the jet lag wore off, we have not been apart since. I call her my travel agent because she books the trips, and I just Venmo. We text each other on WhatsApp when it’s time to brush our teeth so we can be together. I know in a single look what she is thinking. Nine times out of ten, that look turns into us bursting out laughing.
We have already traveled to numerous cities together, and I can’t wait for the adventures Europe still has waiting for us.
I stepped off the train and felt the cool Italian breeze after arriving in Rome that Tuesday morning. I made sure to grab my favorite breakfast here in Italy, un cappuccino e un cornetto semplice (a cappuccino and plain croissant), before making my way out of the train station with the rest of the class. A day full of touring Rome was something I had looked forward to in the days prior, and I was eager to start my day. The day consisted of viewing several beautiful churches and historical landmarks, all while learning the history of Roman Baroque art. What I did not know, however, was that I would later experience my now favorite memory that I have had here in Italy.
After a wonderful lunch consisting of paninis and Chianti wine (highly recommend- it’s fantastic), we walked up the 174 Spanish Steps and made our way to the Villa Borghese Park. The weather was beautiful; the clear sky allowed the sun to shine through the vibrant trees that surrounded us. We made our way around the park and began to hear sounds of singing and music. As we walked closer, a view of the entirety of Rome began to peak through as we approached Piazzale Giuseppe Garibaldi. The music grew louder as we became closer to the street artist playing the intro to ‘Clocks’ by Coldplay on his keyboard. We continued to walk toward the edge of the Piazzale and as we reached the end, the chorus of the song began as we overlooked the beautiful panoramic view of Rome. It all felt like a movie, and it was incredible.
The view of Rome from Piazzale Giuseppe Garibaldi!!
I spent this past weekend in Florence (known as Firenze in Italian) on personal travel. I was initially expecting to hang out with some of my friends in the city; however, as I quickly learned in this program, things do not always go as planned. I soon realized that I was going to have to face this unfamiliar city alone for the day.
As I sat on a bench in front of the breathtaking Duomo and watched the pigeons flock around, I pondered what I should do. The next thing I know I am in a full conversation with a Peruvian woman. We talked for about 30 minutes about where we were from and why we were in Florence. In addition, we watched the pigeons as she fed them and ended up asking a stranger to take our picture. If I had not been on that bench, I would not have met this woman and had this amazing cultural experience and cool story to tell.
Afterward, I walked around and got lost around the beautiful city. I discovered some interesting pieces of artwork down some random streets. My favorite piece of artwork that I stumbled upon is called ‘Albero della Pace’ (Tree of Peace) by Andrea Roggi. It was built in memory of the victims of the 1993 Mafia massacre. I had never heard of this piece and think that it was definitely worth discovering.
To escape the cold, I decided to look in H&M where I had another unforgettable experience. In the dressing room, I heard two Korean girls talking. For context, I took Korean last semester and felt confident enough to try to speak to them. They were shocked that I knew how to speak some Korean, and one of them told me that my pronunciation was really good which made me so happy. Who knew that I would need my Korean skills in Italy!?
Enjoying the view of the Arno River in Florence
Overall, I am so happy that I took a leap of faith and got to adventure out and see Florence on my own. If I had not done this, I would not have met such a diversity of people and grown to be more courageous in my explorations; I truly feel like I got to know the city. I look forward to my adventures to come and cannot wait to see who I will meet next!
Brooke Welch
Andrea Roggi at the XIII florence biennale. Florence Biennale. (n.d.). Retrieved February 2, 2023, from https://www.florencebiennale.org/en/-/andrea-roggi-at-the-xiii-florence-biennale?redirect=%2Fen%2F
Upon our arrival in Ariccia, I recognized this town was one of small size. For the months leading up to our departure, I had told those close to me that I would be studying in a town just a little outside Rome, but little did I know that the small town only held roughly 19,000 people and consisted of one main road used mostly by those traveling in and out of the city. Like them, I had never heard of the town Ariccia. Growing up in a large city, I knew this was going to be a huge adjustment to me, but it has come to be a blessing in disguise. This small town has so much unique experiences and knowledge to offer, like the famous porchetta and deep historical past that follows the town through ages. It was tempting to want to plan travel to all the biggest cities Europe has to offer, but since being here, it has been heartwarming to see the people of these small towns, towns that most people will never even know the name of in their lifetime.
We traveled to the other surrounding small towns that make up the Castelli Romani, and the amount of history in these towns is unbelievable. These towns tend to fall off the beaten tourist track but are beloved to locals looking for an escape from urban life and other large jam-packed Italian cities. There are so much these towns offer, from beautiful scenic views to one-of-a-kind wine tastings, to peaceful hikes throughout the magnificent natural environment. All of this located just under an hour outside of Rome, yet only a small percentage of people will ever even know that these towns exist. Maybe it is the way the people of these small towns want it, maybe they do not even know how lucky they are to get to experience life like this.
So, for the coming weeks, I am enthusiastic to continue to explore these quaint small towns and villages, getting to see a glimpse into the true heart and soul of the people and places that truly make Italy what it is today. Without this experience, I would have never known that these towns would have ever existed. I get the opportunity to delve into the lives of those in these small towns and fully immerse myself in their culture and share my experience with those that may want the opportunity to visit towns like this in their future. So for now, I will enjoy my time in Ariccia and not be so consumed with the bustling life outside this small town.
A beautiful overlooking Lake Albano in Castel Gandolfo I had while eating lunch
War Eagle, and see you later America. Ciao, salve, and grazie mille.
Upon flying to Italy, I had no knowledge as to manage my dietary restriction, and that scared me. My dietary restriction is celiac disease. Now, celiac is a genetic autoimmune disease which causes my body to attack itself, making me violently ill, whenever the gluten protein is present. Effectively, this is a gluten allergy sans anaphylaxis.
At bare minimum, everyone at least KNOWS what celiac disease is. The issue is whether or not the restaurant can safely prepare gluten free food. I am lucky enough to not be so sensitive that a shared kitchen affects me, so I can eat at more places than others with celiac. That being said, since the waitstaff and cooks know what celiac is, they assume that I cannot eat at their restaurant. I think that a few of my restaurant choices which have turned me away on account of “non celiaco” (roughly translating to: no celiac friendly options) still had gluten free options, but the language barrier makes it a full ordeal to clarify.
Now, this sounds terrible and bleak, yet it is quite important to note that I have eaten, and I have eaten well many times on this program. When the restaurants can accommodate, the food is miraculous. In the Castelli Romani alone, I have found a celiac friendly pizza restaurant, multiple gluten free bakeries, and a bar (café) which offers gluten free pastries!
I am for sure a foodie, in fact, the first thing I asked the tour guide, Ettore, and the JSB program staff was “Are there any gluten free options nearby?” To my extreme luck, I have an ally in this search: Lydia, the program’s executive director this semester. She is gluten-free as well, and has taught me the best phrases to illustrate my concerns; “Abbiete cibo senza glutine?” (Do you all have gluten free food?), “Hai un menu senza glutine?” (Do you have a gluten free menu?), and “Sono celiaco.” (I have celiac disease.). Between these phrases and the food culture being hyper-cognizant about dietary restrictions, I have been able to dine extravagantly – sometimes it just takes a little searching first.
Anyone can agree that the study abroad experience is one of the most exciting things that a young adult can participate in. The week before we departed for Italy, I remember conversing with my mom about the schedule for the first week. She asked me “So what is your first field trip and how soon is it?” I responded quickly and enthusiastically with “We get to go to Rome the first week!” I talked her ear off about all of the shopping and monuments we were going to see, building my anticipation for the next twelve weeks. Days pass and we get introduced to the first field trip taking place on Friday of week one, and we are going to Rome! Everyone sets their alarms for daybreak, plans their outfits, and heads to sleep. Now, at this point in the story I ideally would have made it to Rome, accomplished some sightseeing, and shopped a little, but my weekend took a turn. Food poisoning, on the first weekend. Now initially, I had a negative outlook on all of this. Almost in tears, naturally, because everyone is going to go enjoy themselves while the three of us are stuck inside the Chigi Palace feeling extremely sick. It was at this pit moment in my week that the most beautiful snowfall began, and from my bed upstairs looking out on the grounds of the Chigi Palace I realized what that day may have taught me.
I am still bummed that I did not get to participate in the trip but there was something to take from that situation. I was so anxious, overwhelmed, and excited about the field trip that I never stopped to consider what realities could occur so quickly. When embarking on a study abroad for this long, everyone tends to forget the things that impact you. I was planning trips left and right, ready to see as much of the world as I could, setting these massive expectations for what I was going to do. The point of my story is not to make people scared of eating, or planning trips but to put this experience from my perspective. The reality is that we only have twelve weeks, and it is important to relax and allow yourself to take in every meal, conversation, or sunset you see no matter where you are because you may just be stuck in bed the next day.
Elena (left) and I (right) were giddy our first time out of the palace after food poisoning!
You know how “The Declaration of Independence” is protected behind bullet-proof glass, surrounded by armed guards, monitored by one of the top camera systems in the world, and lowered into a vault overnight? Well, today in Ariccia I picked up a 17th century painting laying on a paper towel. Big foot in the mouth moment for me.
In Italy, art and history intertwine everywhere the eye can see! Ranging from the city of Rome to the quaint village of Ariccia, I can’t help but feel like I am constantly walking around in a beautiful museum. As I conclude my first week living abroad, I reflect on how my definition of “old” is so vastly skewed to the place where I live. In America, when I go to a museum and describe something as old, it is most likely from the 20th century (young nation = young artifacts). Meanwhile, our tour guide in Rome pointed to a statue from before the birth of Jesus and declared it was “relatively new.” The Pantheon, Bernini’s Obelisk, and countless other priceless works of art are—by American standards—older than the existence of our country. This week, I found myself in awe of the tremendous number of ancient artifacts Italy preserves and possesses. I must confess that this cultural phenomenon burst my sheltered, American point-of-view bubble. Italy is truly spectacular; it begs no question as to why numerous artists and writers have depicted this area of the world in their works.
Storage room and workspace inside Palazzo Chigi (scene of crime where paper towel/priceless art resides)
Even though I have spent a limited amount of time here thus far, I can already sense a growing appreciation for the natural beauty this nation exudes, just as The Grand Tourists once proclaimed. It is a humbling experience to realize my ancestors may have seen the same sights and wonders that I am now studying. I am so excited for the weeks ahead and all the irreplaceable, expensive, old art I will accidentally leave my mark on.
As of yesterday, I have officially spent a week in Italy on the JSB study abroad program through Auburn University. What a time it has been so far! Even though it has only been a week here we have crammed so many activities into the last couple days, and yet there is still so much more to see. The town we are staying in, Ariccia, is a small town 20 miles south of Rome. Ariccia is filled with colorful buildings that house local residents and it is known for its delicious food. In particular, Ariccia is famous for a savory pork roast called Porchetta. In fact, people all over Italy will travel to Ariccia on the weekends just to get a taste of the mouth watering Porchetta. I can now confidently attest that it lives up to the praise that it receives. As much as I have enjoyed staying in this scenic town surrounded by rolling hills and fertile farms, my favorite experience so far has been visiting Rome.
To me, Rome has the same lively energy as New York, but instead of being full of skyscrapers, it is decorated with vibrant, glamorous buildings and has a culture rich with art, passion, and love. The moment I stepped onto the cobblestone streets, I stepped into another lifetime. It is almost as if I could see history happening right in front of me and I had to look at everything all at once to keep up with it. Each alleyway has history. Each restaurant has a story. Each monument praises the past. Each person symbolizes where the future is headed. I hope that everyone is able to experience this city at one point in their life because it is a memory that I know will last a lifetime.
My favorite spot in Rome so far has been the Trevi Fountain. The Trevi Fountain is one of the architectural masterpieces of Rome, and was built in 1730 under the reign of Pope Clemens the XII. The fountain is 85 feet tall and 65 feet wide. It pours 2,824,800 cubic feet of clear, blue water a day. The fountain is decorated by a statue of the god Oceanus and he is riding a chariot being pulled by two seahorses. It is a magnificent site to visit and I am so excited to see more of what the city has to offer.
Here is a photo of me sitting at the Trevi Fountain!!
Arrivederci (goodbye until we meet again) Rome, I don’t think even a thousand tours will uncover the depth of you, but still I will try to peel back the layers one day at a time.
Emma Rose
Krause, R. (2022, April 8). Trevi fountain- getting to know Italy’s most famous fountain. Travel? Yes Please! Retrieved January 24, 2023, from https://www.travelyesplease.com/travel-blog-trevi-fountain/#:~:text=Iconography%2D%20The%20Statues%20of%20Trevi%20Fountain&text=In%20the%20centre%20of%20the,opposing%20moods%20of%20the%20sea.
Mussio, G. (2021, September 30). 9 surprising Trevi Fountain facts: Rome blog. Walks of Italy. Retrieved January 24, 2023, from https://www.walksofitaly.com/blog/art-culture/9-surprising-facts-trevi-fountain-rome