I signed up for the Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy program when I was at Camp War Eagle before my freshman year. I studied abroad in high school for part of the summer, and since that day knew I had to study abroad for a whole semester! So, after four years of saving, two(ish) years of getting excited about studying abroad, and weeks of preparing the time has come. I said Arrivederci “goodbye” to America and Ciao “hello” to Italy.
Our first evening in the Chigi Palace we read letters from the students who attended the JSB program in the fall. The letters were filled with encouragement, advice, and fun places to visit. Seeing how much this semester has meant to those before us makes it easy to see it is true when people say this is an experience-of-a-lifetime.
On Friday, we went to Rome on our first field trip out of the Ariccia area. We visited the Roman Forum, the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps, and so much more throughout Rome. It was such an experience to learn about the history of Rome. As part of a school assignment, each student was assigned something to either research and be an expert on,or to remind the class of something we have previously discussed. It was so fun to hear what my classmates found interesting at the sites we visited.
As my first week comes to end, I cannot help but feel blessed. Blessed to get to study abroad, blessed to make new friends, and blessed to get to see so much in Italy and all of Europe during my time here.
——Elizabeth Bundrick