When an opening for travel arrives, take it- take it and expose yourself to the opportunity. If you were to tell me this is where I would be two years ago, heck, a year ago, I would have not believed you. Spontaneously signing up for this semester abroad has already brought twelve new friendships, cultural understandings, language exposure, learning yet hilarious situations and so much more.
We (the fall 2023 Chigi babies) are on week three of twelve and it already feels as if we have been here for months. There are of course the highest of highs and lowest of lows. Let me tell you, the things posted on instagram are not always what is portrayed in the ways someone may make it seem. For instance, this past weekend a group of us decided to go to Sorrento to see the coast…beautiful, right?
Well if the photos looked aesthetically pleasing for the instagram feed, it did not go that way. The backstory in a summary is the Airbnb took two hours to find but the plus side of that was the house being tinkerbell themed. Our boat tour got canceled, so we took the bus to Positano, took a ferry, and vomit was almost the end result. It poured rain as we walked down the hill, which ended in a smelly wet dog feeling and ruined clothes. As we got to the beach at the bottom, the rain stopped and the sun was shining, so the ferry was our ideal way to get back. However we just missed the last one, and we watched it drive away. We walked back up the hill, to the top, to get on the bus. We did not have seats so we stood for the forty five minute ride and all felt motion sick again. Well the emergency button was pushed, we thought game over and we were about to pay a clean up fee. Anyways, it ended well and we made it back to Sorrento and got gelato.
All in all, it was the best weekend, a weekend that had us all laughing about every moment as we sat on the floor of the train station because we missed our train. We would not want it any other way; fun, spontaneous, and testing of our patience. That is just a glimpse of the plus to studying abroad, the friendships you inherit by learning how to work with each other and being in the moment. To say that, not only do I feel as if this chapter of life is bringing me closer to friends I never knew I needed but also adding cultural skills and adaptability to my tool box.
Sophie Berry