I never would have thought I’d be living in a palace one day. Although our little living area in the Chigi Palace is not anywhere near the environment Kate Middleton is living in at Buckingham Palace, is still awesome. Almost two weeks into the program, I’ve had to adjust my daily living routines quite a bit, and am still getting used to the lack of privacy, the various personalities of the girls, and having to follow all day, pre-planned schedules. Admittedly it is sometimes frustrating, but in every way worth it to live in this beautiful place and experience new things. Also, living in this kind of environment, I am learning much more about myself and learning that these kind of situations take compromise and sensitivity to others needs and feelings. All of which are greatly important in a work environment that requires much human interaction, like in my field of counseling and helping others.
Completing a vast scavenger hunt of various monuments around Rome in a limited amount of time with 8 other girls I just met was definitely a challenge. It took a lot of teamwork and a mass amount of patience. However, it felt so rewarding to complete it and was a great bonding experience, something I look forward to in my professional life by helping others overcome their inner battles, achieving in it, and consequentially forming a bond with my patients. I highly enjoyed getting lost in Rome and figuring out the city with the rest of girls, and it was a great way to get to know the girls that I will live with for the next three months.