Defining My Life Choices

My freshman year at Auburn University was one of the happiest moments in my life, particularly because that was the day, I signed up to study abroad with the JSB Program. Within my three weeks of being here, I feel much more confident about life after graduation and the opportunities that await me. I initially signed up to study abroad for the opportunity to travel and my love for change, but the self-development I have experienced is the best reward yet.

After my first week in Ariccia, my self-awareness grew as I experienced what it was like being a minority in a foreign country. Unfamiliar with the main language and customs, I often was humbled in the many mistakes I made. Luckily, the locals of Ariccia were expecting our arrival and would kindly offer help when we needed it. I never asked the elderly man to help me withdraw money from the ATM or the store owner who taught me how to order properly, but they did, and so generously. Through these experiences, I’ve realized how hard it must be to move to the United States, learn the language, and to adapt the customs.

The stories of strangers I heard during my second week in Ariccia changed my entire perspective of life after graduation. As our group traveled around Ariccia’s neighbouring towns (the Castelli Romani area), I engaged with many business owners and learned a lot about betting on yourself. One small jewelry store owner encouraged my friends and I to follow our hearts in our career. After working a corporate job for twenty years, she quit unexpectedly and decided to open her own store in the countryside. She claims she’s the happiest she’s ever been. It was extremely refreshing to hear this because there are endless amounts of pressure to be rich or successful back home. Sometimes Americans will base their whole life around their career and while I do strive for success, this stranger encouraged me to follow my heart.

As this third week comes to an end, I am so graciously thankful for the other students that are here with me. I have learned quite a lot about the importance of compliments and little acts of kindness. While exploring Castel Gandolfo (a neighboring town of Ariccia), one of the girls complimented me on my laugh and how it always made her giggle when she heard it. My heart was filled with so much joy and it easily became the best compliment I’ve ever received. It’s the act of noticing the things about one another that I find extremely special. Three weeks I’ve been here in Ariccia, but the people are making it feel so much like a home. Sometimes, I wish time would slow down a little bit more because I dread the morning I wake up and it will be my last day here. Meeting and getting to know the faculty, locals, and students has built many of my personal skills and I am looking forward to all the discoveries and lessons yet to learn.

Ava Caroline Lewis

A beautiful sunset picture of Castel Gandolfo, a neighboring town of Ariccia.