One minute you are sitting on a rooftop in Barcelona watching the sunset, and the next you are trying to find your phone that you realize has just been stolen. These situations can definitely catch you off guard and cause a bump in your study abroad experience. When this happened to me three weeks into the program, I thought my world was ending. However, this unfortunate event has taught me so many things and I want to share a couple.
One thing that getting my phone stolen has taught me is that I am way too addicted to social media. I didn’t realize how often I would check Instagram and Snapchat until I didn’t have a phone to check it with. Without realizing it, I would spend hours scrolling and trying to keep up with what everyone is doing. When I get my phone back, I want to be more mindful of this and make an effort to not get on social media as much.
Another thing that getting my phone stolen has taught me is to be more present where I am. I have been able to engage more in relationships with the girls in the palace and spend more time appreciating where I am. Before, my face was usually glued to my phone and I wasn’t taking advantage of everything that Ariccia has to offer.
While this situation was very hard to deal with, I am thankful for everything that it has taught me. I want to encourage everyone to hang up and hang out. The difference that it makes is shocking!
Kayley Abbott