Italian Adventures

We are starting our fourth week here in Ariccia. I really have no idea where the time has gone. I feel like I was just stepping off the plane in Rome with so much excitement and nervousness just yesterday. I remember feeling anxious to get a taste of the many adventures I would experience, and in the four short weeks I have been here, lots of adventures have already begun.

Our first adventure began in Rome the very first Friday we were in Italy. The morning started out with lots of excitement while we were rushing to the train. We made it, but it was questionable during our walk to Albano. I remember getting on the train wondering what in the world Rome was actually going to look like. It was everything I had imagined and more. Huge statues, monuments, and beautiful building that I had only seen in pictures were now right in front of me. From touring the Forum and Colosseum to watching one of us drop our phone in the Trevi Fountain, the whole day was filled with so much fun and amazement.

The next adventure was the Scavenger Hunt. We were all running around Rome in the pouring rain trying to find our way around and figure out what exactly we were looking at. It was something I did not appreciate while doing it, but now I am so grateful for that experience. I probably knocked so many people in the head with my umbrella so I am sure they were not too happy with me. However, it is something we already look back on and just laugh.            

One more adventure was pizza making in Frascati. I have eaten a ton of pizza and pasta during my time here. I am sure I will eat a ton more, but the pizza I was able to make with my own hands has been the best pizza so far. The whole experience was just a blast. It was such a neat way to feel a part of the Italian culture and get to interact with a few Italian people. Everyone has been so generous, understanding, and helpful toward each of us in the program. I have already experienced many adventures so far and cannot wait for the many more to come.

Pizza Making in Frascati

Ciao for now,

Emma Claire Dunnam