This is a picture of my first time in Rome on the Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy Program. I learned a lot on this field trip . I indulged in many delicious foods, which was fair since life if about balance and I walked 12 miles that day.
Rome’s vast size requires to have somewhat of a plan before coming it is imporant in order to avoid blood stained socks from blisters. However, I chose to wander aimlessly in Rome with my friends and the blisters and dirty socks were worth it. Every street is a new and exciting surprise, lined with shops on uneven cobblestoned with hurried locals shopping and yelling greetings through open doorways. It is truly a beautiful energetic city.
I chose this picture of myself on a random moped because it is a great representation of this program and why I came. I came to Italy to experience many random places and travel in new, fun ways. Also, the stickers on the moped had locations all over it and I hope to visit many places. So far, I have been to Budapest, Hungary and Positano, Italy, and both were amazing.
Another significant symbol is the Gelato cone. It has truly become a part of my everyday life, and I know already I will miss it dearly when I go back to Georgia in November. So, for now while I am abroad, on my many future trips to Rome, I will continue to be on the on the hunt to discover all the pizza and gelato I can handle.
-Anna Caitlyn Camp