Crazy in Love

Before I went on this program, people called me “crazy” and “over ambitious.” I was looked at with wide eyes, followed with a comment on how I was making a “risky move” by going abroad for three months with complete strangers. These were not just strangers from my university, but from one miles upon miles away from the school I call home. The nightmare of being an outcast trickled into my thoughts more than one time or two. Yet now ten weeks in, I can say that fear has vanished. These girls have become my fellow explorers, by adventuring to new parts of the world with me. They have become my teachers, by teaching me to yell “War Damn Eagle” after the chorus line in the song “Sweet Home Alabama.” They have become my friends, by being bound together by our daily new experiences and international incidents.
My main goal for this program was to travel as much as possible. I wanted to learn about each culture, language, style, and the customs of as many niches of the world as I could in my twelve weeks. However, I have realized that not only have I learned a lot about the people in these places, but I have also learned a lot about a face I see far more often, myself. I have learned many valuable lessons, but here are the biggest ones:

  1. It’s ok to miss home. Home is really where my heart is at times. I never realized just how attached I was to its familiarity until it was no longer there. There have been patches of time where I craved the comfort of my own bedroom or just the simple sound of my mother making dinner in the kitchen. Yet, I have come to realize that all the smells, sounds, and sense of familiarity that I love so much is still there. It isn’t going anywhere. Breaking away from this familiarity is all part of growing and that is what this program is about.
  2. Be thankful. To say that I am blessed to have spent the past ten weeks traveling the world with no real worries or ties is a tremendous understatement. I am grateful for my parents who have embraced my sense of wonder and allowed me to explore, despite costs and hesitations. I am grateful for my professors and the staff that constantly broaden my knowledge along with perspective in new ways each day. I am grateful to have friends and family that miss me, while wanting to hear all about this adventure. I am grateful for God and that He has sent me down a path that has lead me to so many places.
  3. Do one thing a day that scares you. My mother has told me this phrase too many times to count, yet I never really lived by it until I was abroad. Each day, I am presented with a new challenge. Navigating new cities, practicing a different language, and interacting with other culture has been exciting, yet also scary at times. Tackling these fears head-on is what has truly made me learn and grow as a student, traveler, and person.

There are no words that can fully describe this experience. It is humbling, rewarding, challenging, riveting, and so much more. I have gained a true appreciation for my home and my family, but also all the different types of homes and families that cover this earth. I have seen and experienced love, passion, and art in so many ways. Perhaps I did begin this journey a little risky, a little overambitious, and even a tad bit crazy. Yet, I will be leaving this journey crazy in love with Europe along with everything, everyone, and every experience it has given me.
Vivian Drury

Judith and I enjoying the beautiful view on top of the Duomo in Florence.