From Home to Rome

As I packed my bags, I became aware that I was bringing my small comforts of home to a place that was very unfamiliar and new. I realized that what few garments and American luxuries could fit into a suitcase would become the little reminders of home that I would have for the next three months. As I watched the plane land on the tarmac through my window in Rome, I was compelled to remember a life that was no longer mine and start to dream of what the next three months could be. But more importantly, who I could become. Clinging on to the moment, through heavy eyes yearning for rest, I pushed myself to embrace the journey to Ariccia. Eyes peering out of a window wanting to understand more, I allowed myself to relish in the adventure and appreciate the approaching landscape. 

When I stepped off the bus with luggage in both hands, I looked up and marveled at a palace and culture that was awaiting me. Settling into my nest, I sprinkled familiar faces on my cork board and transformed it into a refuge that I could turn to when everything I knew felt a million miles away. Shortly after, I was brought into a kitchen where local cuisine and introductions of porchetta were waiting for me on white plates. I then realized that my worries would diminish, and I could instead embrace the people, landscape, and culture that was before me. As I began going to Antico Caffè and dining at local restaurants, I was inundated with the feeling that the community was excited for our arrival.

The locals showed hospitality, the owners were friendly, and the adorable Italian ladies at the sandwich shop made me realize that maybe this place was not so daunting after all. Quickly realizing that Italian was a language that I could embrace, I practiced my skill set ordering coffees in the morning and navigating my way through the grocery store. It was here that I realized my major in Communications holds no geographical bounds, and through engaging with the locals, I will gain an enriching cultural experience.

On Friday, our class went on a field trip to Rome, and I was reminded of the history that surrounded me. As we turned each street corner, we found ancient buildings scattered throughout the city and facades with stories to tell. Treading through the streets, we gleaned information about an empire that once was, and our tour guide navigated us through the city with humor. In doing so, he was bringing both education and vitality to a city whose empire had fallen. 

As I returned from the city and went back to my new home in Ariccia, the walk home was accompanied with a breathtaking sunset and bells that rang in the crisp air. With dusk approaching, I found myself in a moment of solace and took the opportunity to venture to a lookout with an amazing view. I saw a variety a of artisans approaching as I took each step and encountered a market with an array of goods. I browsed the white tables with trinkets scattered on top and appreciated the work and craftsmanship of the community around me.

After that, my tired feet begged me to venture back to the palace, yet sounds filled the air once more. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. Confusion was replaced with elation as I saw colors burst into the dark night. They were fireworks. While often used as a symbol for moments of joy and awe, I found it only fitting that their presence marked the end of my first week and the start to my new life in Ariccia. So maybe I will use it as a symbol; being here feels like fireworks.

– Danielle Rabe

Sunset from the Monumental Bridge Ariccia