Experiencing the Uncomfortable

Over the past three weeks of being in Ariccia, we have learned all about Italian culture and have had so many new experiences. I have had a lot of time to think back on my life at home, and how I haven’t had any chance to be uncomfortable or break out of my shell. Growing up, I always picked the safest choice, even if it wasn’t the right one. Choosing to embark on this once-in-a- lifetime adventure, has opened my eyes to so much more than I could have ever imagined, and we aren’t even halfway done.

Before my plane to Ariccia, I had never felt so nervous about something in my life. I had never been away from home for more than a few weeks, much less out of the country! Packing all of my life into three tiny suitcases made the feeling all the more real, and soon enough after winter break it was time to head off. It was a whole new journey and saying goodbye to my loved ones made me rethink my choice to Study Abroad.

Once we landed in Italy, I knew immediately that I had made the best decision of my college career. The sheer excitement and unfamiliarity I experienced were like no other, and I was ready to take on whatever came my way. During these first few weeks, we have met all sorts of new people and tried new foods, such as polenta and carbonara! I think my favorite was making the carbonara and learning how to incorporate eggs into a pasta sauce. Learning Italian and trying it on the community has been a scary, but wonderful way to gain familiarity with the town as well. I would have never thought that I would be the type of person to leap at new opportunities and learn new languages, but something about Ariccia and the positive energy created here makes you want to be the best version of yourself.

Talking to the community members of Ariccia has been one of my favorite parts of Study Abroad so far. We have learned all about the lives of people who have lived here for 6 years, and also 60 years! They have all had great stories about their childhood, and it has been so eye-opening to hear the differences between growing up here versus in America. I have always been known as the shy friend, and I am not one to speak up first, but one of my goals on this experience was to become more confident with myself. Being able to branch out and experience the unknown with such an uplifting environment makes all of the uncomfortableness and awkwardness go straight out the window.

After only being in Ariccia for a short time, I know there is so much more to experience with this program. I cannot wait to see what is in store for me and my friends while we are here. Ariccia is truly a special place, and I believe that it is such a blessing to be able to call it my home for the next three months.

– Anna Denney

I loved being able to experience all of the beauty within Italy. I have never been to so many