A Whole New World

After only two and a half weeks of being in Ariccia, I have experienced so many incredible things that I could only dream of before. The day we got to Italy I travelled for so many hours and felt a lot of exhaustion, but I will never forget the feeling of driving across the bridge and seeing the city for the first time. The bridge was bathed in golden light, and the palace was surrounded by beautiful a forest full of colors. After unpacking and finally having a good night’s rest, we were finally able to explore our home for the next few months. The small town of Ariccia has such a wholesome and pleasant atmosphere that makes me feel so comfortable being here in Italy.

Traveling has always been a huge dream of mine, and I have already visited so much since being here. This includes Rome, different parts of the Castelli Romani, and Bologna. Each of these places gave me an inside view of Italian culture in new and exciting ways. I was bewildered seeing ancient structures scattered across every city, each one telling the story of a different time. Our Rome Scavenger Hunt introduced me to so many breathtaking monuments and structures, and stepping off the train and seeing the Colosseum for the first time was probably what made me have my “I can’t believe I am here!” moment.

Also, being in the main square of Bologna, listening to street performers play music at sunset is one of the most surreal moments of my life. The city itself was so full of life and laughter it made me feel a new sense of belonging. Last week we were able to meet with many locals throughout the Castel Romani, and it allowed me to better relate to their lives and connect with them. For instance, we met a restaurant owner in Castel Gandolfo, and he described the delightful ways he connects with his community as well as his passion for his work. He also served some of the best fettuccine I had in my entire life!

One of the most valuable experiences I have had so far is going to the local high school and getting to know some of the students. As soon as I stepped into the building I felt very out of my element, but I was still eager to meet more members of the community. I loved getting to know the daily lives of each student and hearing the questions they had for me about American culture. It was amazing to hear how much English they knew, and it makes me want to continue to progress in my Italian. Communication is so important when adjusting to a new environment, and my goal is to be able to hold a thoughtful conversation in Italian by the end of the semester.

Although I love my time in Ariccia so far, it has been a bit of an adjustment. Meeting new people, trying new foods, and learning new things all have opened me up to a whole new world around me. I can’t wait to continue my journey and become more courageous and take risks. I am having so many unique experiences and emotions, that at times I feel like I am in a fairy tale waiting for my next adventure.

-Emma Kimball

Seeing the sunset from the clock tower in Bologna!