A Good Kind of Uncomfortable

We have been in Ariccia for eight days, yet most of us will agree that it has felt like 60 days. We have our nests organized and arranged the way we like. I have a picture board smattered with

photos of family, friends, and pets. We have showers and laundry figured out and things seem to flow smoothly in our personal spaces. My classmates feel like old friends and there is a connection among all of us. 

We all joke that we are locals, yet we are just learning how to order a pastry. Even though things were comfortable and fun today, I was uncomfortable and anxious that first day. I was starting a new semester as an Auburn student, but on a different continent, and I knew one person in the program. 

Before landing in Italy, I was worried about showers,groceries, teachers, and so many other little things. It wasn’t Auburn’s beautiful campus, lunch with friends at Hey Day, or Samford’s bells. We were all out of our comfort zone.

I relate this to getting a massage. When someone pushes or squeezes a muscle it really hurts, but I don’t tell them to stop. As odd as it sounds, we kind of like the discomfort, because of the result. So, if there is any hesitation about the JSB program, embrace the discomfort and love the results. All the little stressors that I had are gone and that first day feels like a distant memory. As cheesy as it sounds, I can’t imagine starting my last semester anywhere else.

Natalie Oslund

The view from the Palazzo Chigi overlooking a bar in Ariccia.