You have to go to grow. A statement my dad has told me throughout my life that he grew up hearing from his uncle, said to me in times of uncertainty and doubt. This statement has led me to make many of the best decisions of my life. One of which was the decision to spend my spring semester abroad in Italy with the JSB program.
Being in Italy surrounded by rich culture and history was the easy part of the decision. Truthfully, I doubted my own ability to adapt to living with fifteen other girls and two guys, sharing my living space and constantly being around each other. Back in Auburn, I live alone and as a more introverted person. I value my alone time and personal space which can be difficult when living in the palace. I will not lie and say that this didn’t make the first couple of weeks difficult for me. Thankfully, I am surrounded by so many amazing people that have made that transition easier than anticipated.
I have my fellow girls in Roma room to thank for a great beginning of the semester. I will forever cherish memories of laughing until my stomach hurts huddled around one of our nests late at night. Or never forget sushi Wednesdays at Sushi Hero when we just need to “scratch an itch” with some very average fried rice and edamame. Abby T., Abby I., Emma, Madison, Kyle, Ivy, Katie, Cat, and Sophie you all have grown to mean so much more to me than I can write in one single blog post. My confidants, travel buddies, partners in crime, and biggest cheerleaders I love you all so much.
This semester has pushed me out of my comfort zone and pushed my personal development in ways that I couldn’t have planned for. So yes I am starting to think that my dad might have it right.

Maggie Davis