Studying abroad is something that I hope everyone can experience sometime in their lives. I grew up in a family that always traveled around the world but there is just something special about experiencing this on your own with people your age.
Studying abroad starts off as a new and scary “trip” alone in an unknown country with random people you barely know or possibly don’t even know at all. Once you really get to know the people you are with every day for the next twelve weeks, you have the sudden realization that studying abroad is not just a trip. It’s an experience that we are fortunate enough to be able to endure. You all realize you want to grow together, you want to travel together, you want to study together, and you want to become culturally-rounded, independent people together. It is a huge milestone that we reach around week three of this amazing program.
Traveling to various unknown countries, studying the material we need for quizzes, learning the new and beautiful Italian language and history, and even walking around the Chigi Palace or the town of Ariccia have all become normal things while on the JSB program. It is almost becoming difficult to fathom how we will endure life outside of this bubble we have created together but in the end, you realize you have gained a whole new family within these twelve weeks. You gain a forever friendship that will continue on after the program.
As I sifted through my thoughts for a title for this blog post, the one I chose resonated with me particularly for a few reasons. The places you will go are more than fun side trips you take with friends when you have time. You will go to a place of growth, a place of happiness, a place of education, and occasionally a place of sadness or even anger. You will have this amazing new family to be by your side throughout the places you’ll go.
Sophie Nassour