At 21 years old I have entered what is known as the “defining decade”. The time where you discover what your passions are, move to a new city, graduate college, and get married. As a rising senior I’m entering a year of uncertainty and change, a time where I don’t have an answer for everything. It’s times like these when most people are faced with the decision to either sink or swim. I don’t always know what choice I’m going to make until I’ve reached the end but there is one thing I do know; choosing to spend my summer with 22 complete strangers is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
Coming into this summer I really had no idea what to expect. As an introvert, how would I thrive in an environment with so many other people? Would I experience culture shock? Would I make friends? I won’t tell you that everything just works out perfectly, because that’s not the truth. It takes hard work and action. You have to decide that you’re going to do what it takes to thrive in the environment you’re in if you want to experience real growth in your life. During these past few weeks I’ve learned a lot about myself. Mainly, I’ve learned that the idea of who I think I am is ever changing. Who I thought I was before this program is a different person than who I am now, and I’m sure that will change again by the time August rolls around.
This program has taught me how to step out of my comfort zone in ways that I never would have done on my own. It’s been like jumping off a cliff but landing in calm waters. In all of my times of anxiety and stress during this experience I’ve been surrounded by 22 people who are there to support me. I might not have a clue what’s going to happen after I graduate but I’m finding peace in the fact that this program will play a huge part in my “defining decade”.
All the love,
Mg Ryan