When people told me going abroad would be an experience of a lifetime they weren’t lying. The days of this program are packed with activities from sunrise to sundown and though some days are exhausting, it has been worth every minute. I have been here three weeks now and each day is something entirely different. Rome has been our second home and with a short train ride from the town over, we arrive in Rome with high expectations and our apple watches ready to count our steps. I think being in Ariccia really gives you such a traditional experience of how an Italian lives, whereas if we lived in Rome, I would feel like a tourist that lived there for a short few months. Arricia is beautiful and homey, with the best cappuccinos I have ever had. 

The field trip days are the best with our amazing tour guide and friends we meet along the way. Yesterday, we attended a water buffalo farm where we learned how mozzarella was made and had such an amazing and fun experience. We toured the farm as well as was treated with a tasting of the best cheese I have ever had. I think this has been my favorite experience so far, but dress appropriately! 

Overall, I think this trip has taught me a lot about international lifestyles and the amazing culture that Europe has to offer. I cannot wait for what the rest of the experience has in store for me and am overall just so grateful for this experience. 

Yours Truly,

Anna Zygmunt

Me petting my furry friend the water buffalo.