Once an Impossible Adventure that Became My Reality

I was once told, “If you want to go somewhere put a picture of it beside your bed and wake up everyday and figure out how you are going to get there.” Joseph S. Bruno was impossible for me based on how much it cost, especially with my parents paying for my sister and I both in college. However, I knew “impossible” was not going to stop me from getting to the place I have always wanted to go to. I woke up everyday and figured out how I was getting to Italy. My appreciation for my time abroad comes all from my determination and the long days at work I put in prior to arriving in Italy. 

I was so anxious before leaving, and it didn’t seem real that I was picking up my life and moving to Italy for three months. I kept waiting for something to get in the way of me going because it seemed too good to be true. I never once was one hundred percent convinced I was coming even after I paid every payment. It wasn’t until my plane landed in Italy and I was looking out the window that I realized I was actually here, I finally achieved the impossible. I had made my dream a reality. I could see my reflection in the window on the plane as I was looking down at the ground, tears of accomplishment ran down my cheeks, there was the moment I knew my adventure had begun, all of my hard work had paid off, and no one could take it away from me. I was ready for everything that was coming my way, but I was also so frightened; I had left everything in my life behind me for the next three months.

Boarding my plane in Atlanta, I remember thinking to myself that I wasn’t going to be seeing a familiar face for quite some time. New people, new country, new everything.  Italy was my first time out of the country, and culture shock was a real thing for me. Realizing that this was going to be my everyday for three months was hard to wrap my head around. But with time, I made it to week eight, and by this point it’s just like any other day. I have fully adjusted.

This whole trip has been a “God thing”.  Every person I have met, every opportunity I have taken and every memory made has truly been a gift from God. Everything seems to fall perfectly into place here; I have made some of the sweetest friendships thanks to Joseph S. Bruno Abroad.  I have learned so much more than I ever imagined I could while being here. I have changed my perspective on life and how I perceive things. Joseph S. Bruno Abroad has definitely helped me grow personally by appreciating every day given and the things that come with them. I have encountered many things that have left me absolutely speechless in awe over standing somewhere I thought I would never be. I thank God for blessing me with an experience that has taught me so much. 

My time abroad has been the opportunity of a lifetime that I will cherish forever.  I look forward to the next several weeks on this amazing adventure. Accomplishing the “impossible” of Joseph S. Bruno has motivated me to accomplish anything I want in life. What a blessing. What an experience. What a dream come true. Joseph S. Bruno Abroad will always be a part of shaping me into who I am. 


Bailey Reid

At Burano Island in Venice