As spring break is wrapping up, I am currently sitting on my parents’ AirBnB terrace, munching on some fresh bruschetta, taking in the magnificent view of Ariccia below, and writing this reflection on my past 7 weeks here. I feel so wonderfully content in this moment. I’m thinking about how I want to remember this moment, and the endless moments I’ve had so far that make me stop and think, “I want to wrap this up, put it in my pocket, and keep it forever.”
That first day, when we walked on the bridge to Albano and saw the view and the Ariccia sunset for the first time. When I enjoyed a cone of Giolitti Gelato (the best gelatto in the entire universe) with my best friend from home who studies in Rome. A week ago, on the first day my parents arrived in Ariccia for spring break, walking to the Chigi palace museum for class, and spotting my dad outside of a Cafe that I frequent across the street, then watching him run across said street like a maniac to hug me. Standing in front of every famous monument we’ve visited for class and thinking, “I am actually here! Doing this! Right now!”. This country is so rich with beauty, culture, and passion, that the moments here just hit different than back at home.
This study abroad program is unique because we’re not just taking random classes in Italy, our classes are about Italy; the history, the language, the cuisine, and that helps us immerse ourselves in, and appreciate the culture so much more.
I love it here. So much. Bring on the moments to come!
Xoxo, Avery 🙂