Eleven weeks down, four countries knocked off my bucket list and two weeks before we pack up our bags and head back into reality. Everyone told me how quickly it would go by, but I honestly did not believe them because twelve weeks sounded like such a long time. But oh boy, was I wrong! It has flown by, I look back on these past eleven weeks and am amazed at how many new relationships I have built and how much I have learned about myself.
My time in Italy, so far, has been unbelievable. I can truly say that I have already learned a lot. I’ve learned how to make a fresco, cook Italian dishes, speak some survival Italian, had genuine conversations with locals, experienced the nightlife, toured countless churches, attended the Papal Audience, and much more. I really have felt connected in the Italian culture, especially in the little town we call home, Ariccia.
Our time in Italy has come to a close, but my life experiences have been opened to a new world I love, and it all started in Ariccia, Italy. I can’t help but reflect on the experiences, and travel opportunities to Hungary, Germany, Prague, and Greece independently. Embracing their cultures and daily living, which has many differences to living in the U.S. But, at the same time the people were wonderful.
These past eleven weeks have been so helpful in shaping who I am and who I aspire to be. I’ve been interested in studying abroad since middle school, but honestly would have never pictured myself living in a totally different part of the world with eighteen strangers and it has taught me a lot about myself. It took a lot to move to a foreign country I was unfamiliar with for three months but I realized that immersing myself into the unknown is the best thing I could do for myself. To be adventurous, and fully appreciate my experience abroad. It is amazing how incredibly close all of us have become; and will have these priceless moments, and memories to last a lifetime. Returning home after learning a new way of life in a place I called home that will be missed until my next journey back to Ariccia, Italy!
Ciao Ciao
Kelsie Carn