Before embarking on this journey to Italy, my dear friend made for me a hand-made pillow with the words “Ti amo Italia.” This phrase translates to “I love you, Italy.” This thoughtful gift was presented to me during my sending-off party before coming here. This gift encompasses my feelings about this beautiful country and its people. Having visited here for only a few days twenty years ago, this immersive three month program has allowed me to experience the beauty of Italy all over again, but with deeper cultural meaning. By practicing using the Italian way of speaking, cooking, and even traveling via metro, I have not only adapted to the Italian culture, but have come to love it as well. A love for this culture comes from an appreciation for the slower way of doing life such as walking to places, finding out that cappuccino is my favorite Italian coffee to gradually sip, and stopping for a refreshing gelato on warm summer afternoons.
The people too are beautiful with their expressions such as “brava” for “bravo” when doing something well or “salve” for a pleasant greeting. Also, I have grown accustom to greeting shop owners when entering shops and visiting the local markets to meet the people who produced the products they sell.
Italia has taught me several things about myself. Italia has taught me to be brave in new surrounds and embrace the unknown. Overall, this experience has led me to say “Ti amo, Italia!,” and I hope to visit you again soon.
Virginia Rolling