An Unexpected Surprise

One of the many benefits of the JSB program in Italy is the opportunity to travel around Europe for personal travel time. Most weeks have full class days Monday through Thursday, but on weekends we can travel where we wish. Being situated in Italy is especially beneficial because not only are there many amazing places to travel within the country but also Italy’s geographic location makes traveling to other countries fairly easy. The midterm break is an especially exciting time, because we have a whole week to travel as we choose. Before coming to Italy, I made plans to meet my family and travel with them over break. While I have grown close with many of the girls on the trip, I was especially looking forward to traveling during the midterm break, because I would get to see my family. The break came at the perfect time for me. Having lived the past six weeks in a foreign country with many people I had never met before, I was relishing the chance to be with family and have a taste of home and something familiar. What surprised me most about my experience over midterm break was actually how much I missed Ariccia while I was gone. Until that point, I didn’t realize how much I had become accustomed to life here in six short weeks. During my week of travel, I realized I missed the amazing Italian food in Ariccia, the “mustache man” who cheerfully sells us sandwiches for lunch, and most importantly the other girls in the JSB program who have become my support throughout this experience. I came on this trip looking for new experiences and the chance to travel Europe. I got all of that and so much more. I found friends that make even the hard days better and the good days unforgettable.
Lauren Parsons

a picnic lunch in Ariccia