Gondolas and Leather

Wow! Everyone at the palace is shocked that we are already finished with week nine! We only have three short weeks left here in Italy and then it is back to the United States we go. While it is sad that our study abroad adventures are coming to an end soon, this past week was anything but gloomy!
The entire group took a field trip to Venice and Florence that lasted just over a week. Our first day in Venice, we took a boat ride tour of the Grand Canal and I can honestly say it was breathtaking. Everyone loved how the only way to get around the city was by boat! And we were all shocked that this city is literally built on water! We continued each day to explore the beautiful city and also visit two more towns, Murano and Burano. Murano is known for their amazing glass blowing and Burano is famous for the colorful houses that line the canals running through the town. After a few days in Venice, we headed over to Florence.

During our Grand Canal Tour!

During our Grand Canal tour!

Florence was equally as beautiful but it was a rough trip for everyone’s wallets! LEATHER LEATHER LEATHER!  We went to both leather markets each day and I think between all eighteen of us Chigi Babies we spent way more then we all had hoped. Florence was a huge city similar to Rome, so being able to spend about five days there to just explore was wonderful. I am so thankful we were able to visit both cities during our semester abroad and loved everything about Venice and Florence!
Megan Milam