As I boarded the plane from Atlanta to Rome, I had no idea where these next twelve weeks would take me, both intellectually and physically. All I knew was that I was already well on my way. My only mindset for this trip was well… “Wine Not?” I came into this expecting to be immersed in the art, architecture, history, language, food, mythology, fashion, and film of Italy through the guidance of my Italian lecturers who are experts in all of these areas. Surprisingly, the most valuable lessons I learned were not through class lectures, but through the relationships I have developed with my professors, peers, and people that I have encountered along the way.
This trip has taught me to not only learn through structure, but also to live in the moment and accept that life is beautifully unpredictable; to always use the moment to its fullest extent. Each day of this journey has been a lesson and each moment has been unique and beautiful in the impact it has had on me. Through this experience, I have learned a new language, adapted to a new culture, and am able to see the world from a new perspective.
Francesco Petrucci, one of our Italian professors, said to us, “you need to not close yourself off. Instead, open yourself up to people who are bigger than you and you can grow. These people are the ones who can open your mind.” I can honestly say that I would be nowhere if it weren’t for the overwhelming human generosity I have experienced throughout my travels. No matter how brief of an encounter, every person I come in contact with has an impact on me that I can take away for a lifetime.

Our cooking instructer, Mary Lou, and her husband, Marco, enjoying time and sharing their wisdom with our group.
More than anything, Mary Lou taught us to make mistakes. That’s the fun in life. If one knows everything, what a bore.
Mary Lou’s husband, Marco, inspired me to yearn for more. He taught me that there is so much in this world to see and do. He is so in love with knowledge. I was honored when he personally told me that he admires me because I have the chance to absorb everything. He told me that I am lucky to be experiencing everything new.
These are just two examples of the plethora of lessons I have learned from the people who I have encountered on this incredible journey. Although we have only three weeks left, I have no doubt that I will learn many more.
Kendall Carlis