It’s a Girl!

The Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy Program has equipped us with everything we need for the best study abroad experience possible. One major asset they have given to us is the staff. Every lecturer and director has impacted all of us in deeply positive ways. As beneficiaries of their wisdom and support, we students do our best to show them our appreciation.
This week our group shed some thanks on our Program Director Roberta Londi. Since Roberta and her husband Stefano are expecting their first child, a girl, in October, we organized a baby shower for her. Baby showers are not an Italian custom, so we attempted to make Roberta’s as authentic as possible. To start the festivities we played a few games. First, each of us cut string to a length we estimated Roberta’s pregnant stomach to be. It was very silly, but lots of fun! Next, we asked Roberta a series of baby-related questions that her husband had already answered. She first guessed Stefano’s answers and then gave her own. It was funny to hear what she thought Stefano had said! Then we had Roberta open all the gifts we had gotten her. She “oohed” and “ahhed” at each present with gratitude. Finally, we headed to the kitchen where we had decorated with pink tablecloths and posters. Each of us had helped make finger foods and we even had a stroller-shaped cake!
We used this baby shower as a unique way to show Roberta how thankful we are for her. She means a lot to each of us, and we hope she felt that through this shower for her.
By: Caroline Given

All the students pose with Roberta at her American-style baby shower.

All the students pose with Roberta at her American-style baby shower.